Throat Chakra

 Throat chakra

Color blue - the color of truth

Communication & self expression

Gland thyroid 

Essential Oils lemon, bergamot, orange, sandalwood, geranium, cloves

Crystal - Angelite, aquamarine, turquoise. cavensite, amazonite, blue calcite. blue lace agate, larimar 

This chakra governs our communication ability both verbal and physical.  The throat chakra encompasses the five planes of awareness, bestowing bliss, its her we receive divine wisdom, allowing us to seek knowledge that is true beyond the limitations of time, cultural conditioning and heredity. This chakra is associated with divine will, this chakra is dominant during the ages 28-35, a phase of life during which we seek success in all of our endeavors. Our success is the result of our communication: if we are able to communicate well in our personal relationships we make them work successfully. The chakra also regulates our thought expression processes, which manifested through oratory skills. - Dr. Ravi Ratan - Journey Through the Chakras

Imbalance - 

speech impediments, including stuttering and lisps

sore throat laryngitis

jaw or mouth pain

throat infections

sores in mouth

hearing issues

ear infections

neck pain

thyroid disorders

hormonal imbalances 

editing speech

When the throat chakra is balanced you are able to communicate clearly being understood and heard from others. Your words flow out of you freely and easily as you are comfortable speaking your truth.

You are able to hear and understand others.

You do not doubt the communication from the divine which includes your spirit guides and angels. 

The communication can be visual or sound - don’t discount ideas or epiphanies

Prayer and meditation is easy and clear. 

Remember every sound you make has a resonance, when you speak it creates a melody in the air and through all time and space. Speak your truth, speak with wisdom and grace. 

My mom used to tell me if you do not have anything nice to say, don’t say it. 

This is truly great advice. 

Remember gossip is poison and it creates a discordant energy.  Instead when we see or hear of something that  does not resonate or you cannot create a strategy to resolve it - pray or intend for the highest resolution for this problem instead of focusing on the problem,

Be kind to yourself, listen to your higher self and practice positive self talk. 

I love you

I bless you 

I forgive you

I thank you 

I release you or this energy that binds me. 

Place hands over the throat, breathe light into the chakra to assist with clearing and balancing the throat chakra. 

Check out my Chakra Meditation to help maintain you chakras! 

Resources for this blog & video - 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 


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