Psychic Tip of the Day - Service
How often do you do something for someone else just for the wonderful feeling you get from the action? How often do you feel inspired to do good for others? Do you follow through with your inspiration? I often talk about keeping your heart open and aligned with the energy of love. When you can do that and keep that energy flowing through you it helps us with empathy, understanding and compassion. That way when we are inspired to help others, the action comes from out hearts, divine action. What does the above have to do with service? Those ideas are part of doing service for others. Just doing something nice for some because you can. Doesn't that give you the warm fuzzy feeling? That is personal service. Then there is what I call 'community' service. This is when we do volunteer work, building houses, gardens, helping thrift stores. charities and more. When you do this kind of work it is always wonderful to see the interactions of our co