May Day & May Flowers

Note: I experience a power outage during show and was able to return. Keep watching we come back online! Florida infrastructure is overwhelmed with all the newbies moving in! 

History of May Day - 

May Day is a Gaelic celebration of Beltane, the first day of summer. It is an important holiday as Samhain. May is a celebration of fertility, bounty of flowers and fruits. This  is a day of parties, maypoles crowning of the May Queen decorated in honor of the Goddess Flora. 

The rebirth of the holiday saw the addition of Jack in the Green, or the Green Man to celebrations. The figure, bedecked in green and foliage is intended to be the male embodiment of nature’s abundance and in some cases was the male escort for the May Queen. The Green Man may have existed in earlier celebrations, but during the 18th century he became popular as he lead a procession of merry morris dancers through the streets in May Day celebrations.

Lily of the Valley - May Flower

May Bells, Our Lady’s Tears, Mary’s Tears - 

not a true lily botanically - Covallaria Majalis - May Valley 

Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe, Southern Appalachian Mountain U.S. 

Flower emblem of Yugoslavia, National flower of Finland

According to legend, lily of the valley flowers sprouted up from Eve's tears after she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Similarly, Christian legend tells of Mary's tears turning to lily of the valley when she cried at the cross. Because of this reference, the flowers were known as Mary's tears.

Its small stature and shade-loving disposition have made it a natural symbol of humility. The sweet-smelling white flowers have been associated with the traditional feminine virtues of chastity, purity and sweetness. In the Victorian language of flowers, lily of the valley meant “return of happiness.”

The most common effects are stomach ache, blurred vision, slow and irregular pulse, and in severe cases, seizures, vomiting and diarrhea, heart arrhythmia and even death. Lily of the valley toxicity is severe and difficult to treat. A rapid trip to the hospital is required even in cases of suspected ingestion. Wear gloves while handling the plant.

Christian Dior loved the fragrance of the flower, Edmond Roudnitska designed a perfumes called Diorissimo, the perfume is considered a classic.

For May’s Bouquet - 

Lily of the Valley  - Hope

Delphinium - Opportunity

Forget me nots - Remembrance

Calla Lily - Faith 

Bach Flower Therapy

The last eighteen months I lived in the Chicagoland area were very stressful for me. i started using Bach Flower Remedy - Rescue Remedy during this time. I feel like it helped me relax and focus so I could get my work done. 

Healing body, mind, spirit as a whole instead of separately is a topic I am interested in. When I look at the energetic body, I 'see' where there are blockages and sometimes 'hear' intuitively what a client needs to do to help themselves. If I feel you need to see a medical practitioner, I will let you know. Although medicine only treats the physical body, it is a relief to know whats going on. You will be able to make a plan from there. 

It took years for me to figure out how I could work with my body to heal and maintain my skin. It takes patience and a willingness to try all kinds of crazy stuff. What I learned was my skin reflected my emotional state as well. Whenever I was stressed, I would scratch. 

Meditation and movement helped me. It got the wiggles out so I could think clearly. These two things calmed me so I wouldn't scratch. 

This is what I call Alternative Medicine, a path to wellness. living well, feeling out what works for you whether it is acupuncture, Reiki, Access Bars, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Bach Flower Remedies, if it works do it, do not deny yourself of what helps heal you. 


Dr.Edward Bach, who is he?  

Edward Bach - (Batch) B September 24 1886 November 27 1936 was a Brittish Doctor specializing in bacteria, homeopathy. 

Dr. Bach studied medicine at University College Hospital, London. He obtained a diploma of Public Health at Cambridge.

1917 Bach had a malignant tumor removed from his spleen. It was predicted he had three months to live. He recovered.

Many of the Bach Flower remedied were designed while living in Norfolk in the 1930’s

Bach worked at the London Homeopathic Hospital. In this period he developed seven bacterial nosodes known as the seven Bach nosodes. They are mostly confined to British Homeopathy practitioners. 

Bach claimed the dew found on flower petals retains the healing properties of that plant. 

Like the Gem remedy, Bach used 50: 50 mix of water and brandy - for his mother tincture. Then the mother remedy is diluted to make the batches for public consumption. 

Bach Flower Remedies are vibrational therapy. The idea is to assist with harmony within the physical body, washing the body with the vibration of the flower mixture to heal and raise the resonance of body, mind, spirit. 

These remedies do not take the place of medicine, they do support and assist with healing. 

It is the same concept as gem remedies - I spoke about gem remedies last year.

Our Bach Flower of the month -  Aspen

Aspen - Populous Tremula 

A Slender tree with flattened leaf stalks. The pendant male and the smaller round female catkins appear in March/April, before the leaves. 

Aspen is related to the soul potentials of fearlessness. This Aspen resonance helps us overcome our fears and anxieties, strengthens our empathy and assists with creating clear boundaries. 

Afraid of Fear - doesn’t talk about  it.

Anxiety Attacks with trembling, sweating, gooseflesh

Children afraid to be alone or sleep in the dark, for fear of the bogey man or similar notions

Potential Following Transformation 

Ability to enter into more subtle planes of consciousness and as a result, gain insight into esoteric and religious lines of thought. 

Access to higher spiritual spheres . Feels attracted to these spheres fearlessly sets out to explore them regardless of possible difficulties. 

Supportive measures

Participates in hobbies that will ground a person - pottery, baking gardening

Avoid anything that will disturb the mind - alcohol, excessive exposure to sun, horror films

Positive Statements for Practice - 

My heart is full of confidence and strength

I am in  the Creators hands

I will be guided in my own best interests

For children  - I have a guardian angels who watches over and protects me. 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 

Auriel Grace


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