Psychic Tip of the Day - Let 'It' Go!

Forward movement requires us to let go of thoughts, emotions and feelings that aren't serving us. I know this from personal experience. I am very grateful for my life and all the places it has taken me. all the people I have met and the experiences I have had. Within all those experiences I have experienced lack, heartache and heart break. I learned early on not to internalize these experiences, move through the emotions so I can let go of that energy holding me in place. Some experiences took me longer to let go of and as I look back I see it was perfect as I met some really awesome people to assist me and uplift me. When it was time for me to leave Pagosa Springs, I was very sad and frustrated because I was leaving my home, my people, my family. I had to move to Durango to make a better living. I started looking for a place to live in Durango, because of the emotions I was feeling I held myself in a place of lack and sadness. Which kept me from fin...