Archeia Hope – The Messenger

On March 3 rd & 4 th the Donna Damato & I channeled at the Body Mind Spirit Event in Chicago. It was awesome! Here are some messages from the Archeia Hope that were given during the weekend. This message was prompted by someone asking about lover relationships and another person who was unhappy with where they work. With any type of meaningful relationship that you have whether it be business or personal you are looking for an E qual Exchange of Energy. For your personal relationships, your mates, look at the relationship is it balanced? Is it an equal exchange of energy? Are you respected? Do you give respect? Love is energy it neither gives nor takes - Love is! If you are feeling worn out or if you are wondering if the relationship is done – this is your signal to really evaluate what you want from a relationship. If you are not getting it, it is time for you to have a conversation with your mate. If you are in a true love relationship, you mate will listen and...