
Showing posts from 2024


  Ancestors -  An ancestor, also known as a forefather, fore-elder, or a forebear, is a parent or the parent of an antecedent. Ancestor is "any person from whom one is descended. In law, the person from whom an estate has been inherited." - Wikipedia Our ancestors, our grandmothers, grandfathers, aunties and uncles tell us stories about our family history. Where we came from, how our ancestors lived.  Our family shapes and molds us into the people we are now. Their influence becomes what we believe about ourselves. It develops our characters and how we interact with the world.  For example - My Mom did A LOT of research about our family history. She wanted to understand where our people came from and learn about their characters. She has a huge file about our ancestors. As she learned more about our family she started to understand the ‘why’s’ of how our family interacted in the present.  My mom and I have taken steps in removing ourselves from the day to day of many f

Hauntings - Paranormal Talk

It is October - the time of thinning of the veils between the different dimensions. This is a great time to do paranormal investigations. You can hone your skills as a psychic through these investigations.  The paranormal pseudoscience. What sets the paranormal apart from other pseudosciences is a reliance on explanations for alleged phenomena that are well outside the bounds of established science.  Anything that is set as Paranormal is something outside of the normal.  Many paranormal investigators do not use psychic’s on their teams. They are looking to solve their hypothesis on what they are experiencing. They use different techniques to help them with their experiments.  Paranormal investigators are investigators.  Ghost hunters are adrenaline junkies.  There are steps to an investigation, also if you are investigating land, and or a building, please make sure you don’t go alone. You always want to have someone there in case of an accident. You will also want some one else there

Summer Solstice & Crystals

Summer Solstice is a day to celebrate abundance, it is a day to commit to those ideas serving you. Feel the fullness of the energy of summer.  One summer we went to the Summer Solstice Ceremony at Chaco Canyon. At Chaco Canyon there is a kiva, Casa Riconada. This Kiva has windows aligned with the Summer Solstice Sun rising. As the Sun rises we watched as the sun passed through the windows. While we watched the sun rise, someone played the flute, ravens flew overhead.  What will you do to celebrate the sunshine and summer?  There will be a full moon during the summer solstice. Here is the question I have for you to think about, what were your intentions or plans in January? This full moon you may see your plans coming into fruition. Keep nurturing your manifestations. Stay the course! Make sure to check your boundaries, your foundation to make sure it is flexible.  Here is the next question for you - What is expiring within you or in your environment? What are you letting go of

Numerology - Destiny Number & Hearts Desire Number

Numerology  Numerology is a belief that numbers have spiritual meaning. Ancient Egyptians believed in seven paths to heaven and 11 dimensions. In Pythagoreanism, odd numbers were male, even were female. Number 4 stood for justice and number 10 was for perfection.  Indian numerology pays close attention to birth dates and they have developed the numeral value to letters.  Destiny Numbers - indicates your purpose in life. A person’s life generally offers multiple paths to happiness and success 1 - Leadership - Good Example -  Risks & Challenges - Stress, Giant Ego, Stubbornness 2 - Relationships/Harmony - Connecting people, being a great team player Risks & Challenges - Neediness, complacency  3 - Creativity - Creating, using imagination Risks & Challenges - Eccentricity, lack of focus 4 - Security - Establishing foundations, being grounded  Risks & Challenges - Over work, exhaustion 5 - Adventure - Traveling, exploring  Risks & Challenges - Impetuousness, indeci