Hauntings - Paranormal Talk

It is October - the time of thinning of the veils between the different dimensions. This is a great time to do paranormal investigations. You can hone your skills as a psychic through these investigations. 

The paranormal pseudoscience. What sets the paranormal apart from other pseudosciences is a reliance on explanations for alleged phenomena that are well outside the bounds of established science. 

Anything that is set as Paranormal is something outside of the normal. 

Many paranormal investigators do not use psychic’s on their teams. They are looking to solve their hypothesis on what they are experiencing. They use different techniques to help them with their experiments. 

Paranormal investigators are investigators. 

Ghost hunters are adrenaline junkies. 

There are steps to an investigation, also if you are investigating land, and or a building, please make sure you don’t go alone. You always want to have someone there in case of an accident. You will also want some one else there to witness any type of event that unfolds. 

The supernatural is essentially all phenomena that are based in religious perspectives and the paranormal is essentially almost any other phenomena that is not explained by science. There are some aspects that may be considered a part of both the paranormal and the supernatural, such as ghosts. 

Parapsychology is the study of alleged psychic phenomena (extrasensory perception, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis (also called telekinesis), and psychometry) and other paranormal claims, for example, those related to near-death experiences, synchronicity, apparitional experiences, etc. 

So Let’s talk about that - 

I have written and created videos about the clairs. You can check out my blog at www.aurielgrace.net, my YouTube Channel or A Psychic’s Story Series books on my webpage for more in-depth information about this. We are going to quickly go over the Clairs now 

Clairvoyance - To See outside of what your eyes can see - example as an energy worker, I see peoples aura’s and other anomalies within the aura’s 

Clairaudience - To hear beyond what your ears normally hear. When doing paranormal investigations, I rely on my clairaudience to ‘hear’ and have a better understanding of what is going on around me. 

Claircognizance - to know or gain knowledge outside of your norm. 

Clairsentience - to feel - empathically what is going on around you 

Clairaugustance - the ability to taste information 

Clairalience - the ability to smell information. Hauntings are all different. I use this Clair when investigating a haunting. I can smell if a house is haunted. There is always residual energy from a haunting. Part of that is smells. The Russ house has is haunted by a woman who most often smells like lavender. 

Now lets go over different kinds of hauntings - 

Intelligent - Intelligent Haunting is a spirit who is aware of who and what they are doing 

Residual - energy left behind from spirits and humans ex - battles 

Anniversary - mostly residual, energy that is repeating or looping on specific days 

Looping - similar to anniversary - spirits who are looping are those who are repeating a date that meant something to them. One of my friends fell off the roof of their house. Everyday at 3pm, you can hear him walking across the roof, loosing his balance and slipping off the roof. 

Tourists - Tourists spirits are my favorite. Most of them are intelligent. Tourists move through the area(s) they haunt. They will interact with people. 

Poltergiests - postern - to knock, giest - ghost 

Have an awesome week! Stay safe! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace 


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