Crystal Recipe's for Sleep & Communication

Good Sleep Recipe - 

Rose Quartz - trigonal system, found in massive deposits and also in clusters of crystal points

Color - Pink, deep rose to pale pink

Geography - Brazil, India, Madagascar, USA, easily obtained

Moh’s 7

Supports the heart chakra in all ways, encourages and awakens an appreciation of beauty

Wear over the heart to attract love into your life

Place in your home to create peace and harmony

Amethyst - trigonal crystal system, forming long prismatic crystals with six sides points, smaller clusters, large masses 

Color - dark vivid purple, in a variety of shades to pale lilac

Geography - Africa, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Russia, USA, Easily obtained

Moh’s 7

Physical/ Emotional - Enhances spiritual awareness

Personal - wear or carry amethyst to help calm mental stress, place under pillow to improve the quality of sleep

Selenite - Form & Structure - Transparent or translucent crystals in a monoclinic system, forming in flat faced tabular, bladed, or blocked formations

Color - clear with a pearl like sheen on flat surfaces

Geography - Italy, Mexico, USA, common easily available

Moh’s - 2

Physical/Emotional Uses - Allows a flow of high frequency energy to permeate all the chakra canters, aligning them all with spiritual purpose

Personal Uses - Place selenite in the home or in a meditation space to clear the energy

Coral - Protection: Coral is a universal symbol of protection against negative energies and the evil eye. 

Fertility: Coral is a symbol of fertility. 

Vital energy: Coral symbolizes vital energy and is associated with growth and vitality. 

Connection to nature: Coral represents a connection to nature and ancestors. 

Physical and mental protection: Coral is believed to offer physical and mental protection. 

Calmness: Coral symbolizes a sense of calmness and relaxation. 

Playfulness: Coral's warm hue suggests playfulness. 

Optimism and hope: Coral's vibrant quality fosters feelings of optimism and hope. 

Coral has been used in spiritual rituals by many cultures, including Native Americans, ancient Rome, and imperial China. For example, the Navajo used coral in ceremonies to represent the element of water and life.  - Google

Rainbow Fluorite Isometric system, forming cubic crystals sometimes in twinned pairs, 

Color - green, purple, white, yellow, pink, black

Geography - Brazil, Britain, China, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, USA

Easy to obtain

Moh’s 4

Personal Uses - Stone of Discernment and Aptitude, the Ultimate Multitasking Stone, or the Genius Stone. It’s said to be highly protective and capable of neutralizing negative vibrations, which is why fluorite crystals should be kept in each room of house. 

Chalcedony - microcrystalline quartz in a trigonal system, occurring in stalactitic, botryoidal (grape like) or large masses

Color - vivid pale blue, also purple 

Geography - Brazil, Czech, Republic, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Turkey, 

Easily obtainable

Moh’s  - 7

Physical/Emotional - opens the throat chakra tenable the truest forms of self expression

Personal Uses - Place under your pillow to help troubled sleep

Wear over your throat or carry it with you in order to ease communication issues 

Labradorite - Triclinic system, found in blocks or chunks, embedded within low silica igneous rocks, sometimes in twinning formations

Color - dull blue green with mostly iridescent blue sheen when turned to the light, also orange green violet rainbow iridescence - spectrolite

Geography - Canada, Finland, Mexico, Norway, Russia, USA

Moh’s 6-6.5

Emotional - increases extrasensory perception and may stimulate recall of past lives, clairvoyance and more

Activates a sense of multiple levels of consciousness

Protects the wearer from any negative influences

Gem remedy

Personal uses wear to sense your expansion into new levels of yourself.

I use these crystals for intuitive readings & energy sessions

Apophyllite - tetragonal system often forming in cubic masses of small faceted crystals or in pyramid shapes

Color - pale green, also clear white yellow, violet

Geography - Brazil, Germany Greenland, India, Iceland, Mexico,USA

Rare - Green apophyllite is rare, available from specialist

Moh’s - 4.5-5 

Reiki/ Healer stone - refreshes the mind and clear’s the heart chakra of emotional debris

Personal uses - put a piece in your garden or on a balcony to enhance outdoor space

Meditate with apophyllite to increase your psychic awareness of other realms

Herkimer Diamonds - Form & Structure -  Double terminated quartz crystals. 

Color - Clear

Geography - Herkimer County, New York

Moh’s 7-7.5

Healing Personal uses - believed by some to have metaphysical properties including healing, increasing spiritual energy and opening up the crown and third eye chakras. Stone of Attunement - use for astral travel and lucid dreaming

Smokey Quartz - trigonal, often in long, well defined points or clusters

Color - light brown to dark brown, almost black

Geography - Brazil, Switzerland, USA

Easily obtained

Moh’s 7

Physical/Emotional - focuses and grounds a person’s energy in the present moment, bringing peace and calm

Personal uses - Place large pieces by electrical equipment, carry smaller stones with you, or wear as a pendant to calm negative emotions

Citrine - trigonal, in large defined points or smaller clusters

Color - pale, golden yellow, darker shades are heat treated

Geography - Canada, France, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Spain, USA

Rare - natural citrine is rare, consult a specialist 

Physical/ Emotional - stimulates creative thinking and inspirations, freeing the mind of limitations

Personal Uses - Place in your space to bring good fortune, abundance and inspiration

Gem remedy

Aquamarine - hexagonal system, forming large bladed crystals with vertical striations and the tendency to break along that vertical plane, often, found embedded in igneous rocks.

Color  - pale turquoise blue, some specimens greener, faceted stones often heat treated low grade beryl

Geography - Brazil, Pakistan

easily sourced as small pieces, or a faceted gems in jewelry

Moh’s 7.5-8

Physical/Emotional - an excellent crystal to booth the thymus chakra (above the heart and to the right) Higher heart chakra enhancing immunity, keeping the bridge clear  between the heart chakra and throat chakra,

Personal - wear to enhance communication and enable your highest truth to be expressed in the world.

Amazonite - triclinic system, forming in large blocks or chunks a green variety of feldspar

Color - blue green mottled with paler green specks

Geography - Madagascar, Russia, USA

Easily obtained

Moh’s - 6

Physical/Emotional - Facilitates loving compassionate communication by bridging the heart and throat chakras

Personal uses - wear or carry to help you deal with emotional challenges and relationship issues

Pink Calcite - Calcium Carbonate crystalizing in large mass formations. Pink is caused by inclusions of Maganese

Easily obtained

Moh’s 4

Emotional/ Personal - Stabilizes the heart chakra, encourages self love on all levels, emotionally. mentally, spiritually, physically. 

Keep in a centrally located place in your home. Wear over the heart to assist with self love. 

Kyanite  - Triclinic system, forming long flat parallel blades with striations

mostly found embedded in metamorphic rocks such as quartz gneiss or schist

Color - pale blue, vivid blue, white grey black

Geography - Africa, Brazil, Eastern Europe, India, Russia, Switzerland, USA

Obtain from specialist suppliers

Moh’s 4.5 - 6.5

Physical/Emotional - moves energy through the body taking out negativity and bringing in positive vibration

Personal - wear over the chest to keep energy flowing through out the system

Obsidian - Silicon dioxide volcanic glass in an amorphous state (a structure with no inner geometric patterns) 

Color - black, brown, green

rarity - easily obtained

Hardness - 5-5.5 

Physical/Emotional Uses - powerful psychic protection stone. Assists to deflect needy or draining energy being projected by other people. 

Stimulates the root chakra, drawing in the earth’s energy to strengthen and stabilized the system

cuts through deception bringing clarity and focus

Healing effects - in healing layouts, place between the feet or a small piece in each hand to ground and strengthen the energy field around the body

Personal uses

Place in the home to absorb excess electromagnetic energy wear or carry as a stone of protection

Reference  - Crystals - Jennie Harding - 

See if these recipes help you out! Remember to try different combinations of crystals to see what works for you! Check out my other crystal videos on YouTube to help you out. 

Let me know how your recipe's go! Stay safe, keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 

Auriel Grace 


  1. That was an awesome explaination! Thanks Auriel-- Owen


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