The Fox Sisters - Spiritualism

Fox Sisters We are starting with some history about some of the spiritualist who were during this time period - Andrew Jackson Davis - the Seer of Poukeepsie Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Seer, 1840 - Natures Divine Revelations Born 8/11/1826 D 1/13/1910 - Spiritualist Frank Mesmer - Mesmerist. B-5/23/1734 D - 3/5/1815 mown for animal magnetism Franz Anton Mesmer (23 May 1734 – 5 March 1815) was a German physician with an interest in astronomy . He theorised the existence of a natural energy transference occurring between all animated and inanimate objects; this he called " animal magnetism ", sometimes later referred to as mesmerism. Mesmer's theory attracted a wide following between about 1780 and 1850, and continued to have some influence until the end of the 19th century.[2] In 1843, the Scottish doctor James Braid proposed the term " hypnotism " for a technique derived from animal magnetism; today the word " mesmerism " generally ...