
Showing posts from April, 2012

Free Will

This is a free will planet. That  means events can change  momentously. Keep this in  mind as you are creating your  world. Events happen to bring  like minded people together  to create something  wondrous and unexpected.   What does that mean? It means that you have the gift to make up your own mind and your own destiny.  Through Society we have been taught that we must live our lives a certain way whether we like it or not. When we do not like what we 'have to do' this creates bitterness and frustration, we might even go postal.  Look at your life, how can you make it better?  Is the quality of your life beyond your wildest dreams?  I know change is scary! I have done it a lot! i can tell you from experience when you are making that change for your betterment you will find that every situation you are in will lead you to your goal. You will see your life become easier as you rise above 'scary' and into joy ...