Spiritual Warriors - Lord Melchizedek
Last night I watched a movie about a man who is a great teacher, a passionate speaker. The movie freaked me out in a way that I asked Lord Melchizedek, who is my teacher, for guidance and assistance on what really freaked me out about the movie. It wasn't the story that actually freaked me out it was the way the self help, metaphysical, spiritual teachers promote themselves. How they 'up sale'. It was the pyramid graph I saw that had all these levels of teaching, which made sense to me. It is how it was being presented, the feeling I got was the teacher saying 'you are not enough until you get to the top, I can get you there.' YIKES! I asked Lord Melchizedek for some answers or message to help me feel better about the self help, metaphysical, spiritual teachers and this is the message I received from him - Spiritual Warriors - We ask you to look within yourselves to to see you are worthy of all you desire. W...