Psychic Tip of the Day - Balancing Career & Spirituality

'Like I tell all of my clients when dealing with this kind of situation. Put your lipstick and High heals on and go crush them! Get what you want - wave at them beautifully when you exit the room! Know your worth!' Auriel Grace What does that mean? It means that no matter what position you hold in the world do it with grace, wisdom and be formidable. I worked at a ski resort in New Mexico. It was a great job and I was paid well for the job. The team I was on was rockin! I worked in guest services. We were the first stop for the guests to get their ski school, lift tickets and find out about other activities on the mountain. We dealt with booking activities and resolving issues with booking. Now this is back in the day before a lot of technology so we often had to go out of our office and deliver paperwork to other offices. We wore warm clothing in the office because our doors were always opening and closing, the temperature in the office was u...