A Gang of Girls Radio - Gratitude & Appreciation
I am writing a series called Lucy Prophet Psychic Girl . When I started to develop the characters and Lucy herself I had to really look at Gratitude and appreciation and understand it. Lucy is grateful for everything. Yes, she leads a wonderful life full of different adventures. I really studied what gratitude and appreciation is. I use what I have learned now and I find that my life is easier, it is kinder and I have the ability to manifest what I want in my life. Gratitude will change your life – it has changed mine in great ways. For those of you want to change or enhance your lives listen up and do the homework that I am going to give you. You will start to see subtle changes in your life and as you continue to be in a state of gratitude you will see your life change to a place of ease and grace. How many of you wrote your gratitudes last weeK? How did you feel afterwards? Being grateful helps raise your vibration. It helps with you...