Psychic Tip of the Day - Miracle of Prayer

How many of you have found yourself in a situation where you thought there was no way out of? I have been in plenty of situations that I thought 'I need some assistance, some guidance, show me what I am missing so I can correct it.' When in actuality I was in the perfect place at the perfect time to create something different and new for my higher and better good. A lot of my life has not been as I thought it should be. Instead it has been a wild and crazy adventure. When I thought I was in a spot that there was no path out of, I prayed. I dialed up and connected to my guides, angels and Creator and explained what I saw and asked for guidance. Many times the responses were like a riddle for me to figure out. Here is an example - When I was getting ready to leave Hawaii, my Dad sent me airplane tickets to Virginia. That was an answer to my prayers! I was relieved of that stress. It was the year the airlines or pilots or something went...