Every year in February, for over a decade, I have encouraged people to celebrate Love Month. How do I do this? I encourage you to send a ‘love story’ for me to read during A Spiritual Show during February. The ‘Love Stories’ in the past have been great, the stories are about pets, places, humans and objects. I like to share these stories because they give people Hope. The energy of Hope is very powerful and assists us with raising our resonance. Why is it important to keep your resonance high? When your resonance is high, the lower vibrations will not affect you. You will have the ability to move through your day with ease and grace. The more energy we put into being in the frequency of love, the more we shine and so does our environment. We practice the Love Mantra - Love, Love, I am Love. We start with repeating the Love mantra the first week for 3 minutes a week, 5 minutes the second week, 7 minutes the third week and 10 minutes the fourt...