Energy Cord & Heart Strings
Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith
Archangels and angels are created to serve the Creator and Mankind. In other words the angels are our helpers, they help us, by different kinds of guidance. When you receive guidance, remember to say thank you.
You do not have to elaborate, leave offerings or anything like that as the Angels were created to assist our Creator and us Humans, Be polite, say thank you.
Archeia are the divine feminine Archangels. Most of the archeia are compliments for Archangels.
Remember not to humanize Angels. They are Angels, we are humans, totally different living beings.
The angels do not punish, or force a way of being. Angels assist us with raising our resonance. Angels are not religious, they are love.
You don’t need to worship the angels to accept guidance for you.
All you have to do is say thank you.
Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith are the Archangels in charge of the Guardian angels. What do Guardian angels do? They guide, guard and protect us. That is their purpose and why they were created.
Archeia Faith taught me about discernment and grace. I still get mouthy, but it is less than it was. Faith taught me discernment is for humans, judgement is too harsh. When you judge yourself and other to harshly you close yourself off to your inner guidance.
Invocations -
I invite & invoke Archangel Michael to cut & cauterize all cord leading in and out of me no longer serving me. I invite and invoke Archeia Faith to fill me with divine light. Thank you!
I invite and invoke archangel Michael & Archeia Faith to guide guard and protect me and keep me out of harms way. Thank you!
Guardian Angels
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Your guardian angel is with you to guard guide and protect you. That is their focus. Allow them to do their job.
Here is an example of what a guardian angel helps you -
Kendra was having an ongoing issue, I advised her to ask her guardian angel to help her out. Her guardian angel helped her through a series of events that led her to where she is now. Which is free from the issue. Guardian angels act in ways you may not think are for your highest good at the time. But the end result is what you want and more.
Ask your guardians assistance and allow them to work for your highest good not what you think might be for your highest good. You will see in the end you will have everything you want and more.
Cords & Cording
All of us have energy cords. The cords are attached to past lives, other people we have relationships with.
We throw those cords out or the cords are thrown out to us.
Most people are unaware they are throwing cords out.
What do these cords do to us?
When we allow the cords to accumulate, we will start feeling low energy. We will not follow through with our plans and often times give up on our goals.
That’s why the invocation is good to say everyday. I say the cord cutting invocation while I take a shower and visualize the water clearing my energy field.
It helps, I work with alot of different kinds of people and I have found clearing my energy field daily assists with clarity so I can do my work with ease and grace.
What do they look like?
The newer cords are gold. The older ones are tarnished gold. The tarnished ones you may need assistance with. The cords may be attached to chakras or other parts of your body. I have cleared cording from others all over.
I recommend Melinda Carver, she does an excellent cord cutting ceremony and she invokes Archangel Michael to assist. It is a beautiful ceremony.
I also recommend soul retrieval, during that ceremony cords from past lives will be cut.
After having this done you don’t want to call back that energy. You want to stay clear so if people start calling you, that make you feel out of sorts, don’t answer. You will also feel as though you are missing something. You might even mourn the loss. Allow it and let go of that energy.
Give yourself at least 3 days to a week. for your energy field to balance out.
Remember to set boundaries for yourself. You do not want to be a doormat. For example - I only embrace people I know or who I feel it is ok. I will shake hands with people. Most people I will not touch and I do not allow them to touch me.
Heart Strings
Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of love. If you feel anxious, fearful, stressed, depressed, connect to your Heart chakra and breath light into it. Keep breathing light into the chakra until you start to feel better. Allow the energy of Love to flow through you and all around you.
Remember - Fear is the absence of Love. Be Love!
The Heart Chakra is the mediator for the other chakras, keeping the energy flowing and nurturing.
Your heart strings come from your heart , they are gold - they are connected to those you love. Every day I practice sending love through my heart strings to those that I love. Try it! You and your love ones will feel the difference
Remember to send Love through your heart strings that reside within your heart chakra. Focus on your heart chakra. You will feel or see the golden strings. Think about how much you love your family and friends and start sending loving energy out to them through the strings. You will 'know' when to stop.
Practice sending love to your loved ones! See how they change, you will see compassion, understanding and love. Make those connections stronger and beautiful!
Stay safe, have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!
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