

Ancestors - 

An ancestor, also known as a forefather, fore-elder, or a forebear, is a parent or the parent of an antecedent. Ancestor is "any person from whom one is descended. In law, the person from whom an estate has been inherited." - Wikipedia

Our ancestors, our grandmothers, grandfathers, aunties and uncles tell us stories about our family history. Where we came from, how our ancestors lived. 

Our family shapes and molds us into the people we are now. Their influence becomes what we believe about ourselves. It develops our characters and how we interact with the world. 

For example - My Mom did A LOT of research about our family history. She wanted to understand where our people came from and learn about their characters. She has a huge file about our ancestors. As she learned more about our family she started to understand the ‘why’s’ of how our family interacted in the present. 

My mom and I have taken steps in removing ourselves from the day to day of many family members because of their chosen lifestyles. It has helped to free us of the drama that could influence us in our own lives. 

In a way we recreated ourselves to be true to ourselves. 

So what do we do with that information?  Or how can we make the change we need to in order to be true to ourselves, and carry what we know about our ancestors to tell our children?

My great grandmother was kind to me. She taught me what she could about cooking, sewing and crafting. She is also the one who influenced me to wear lipstick when I left the house. I loved her very much. 

On the other hand she also manipulated my aunties and uncles, she set family members against each other, she was a great conflict maker. I didn’t realize this as a child. I learned about it as I grew older and decided not carry that influence in my life. 

I choose to remember and talk about the grandmother that I loved and cherished.  I chose a positive outlook. 

It is a choice you make about your ancestors, what you want to focus on rather than the hurt it caused. This helps to break the chains that influence us towards negativity. 

On that note let’s talk about curses - I get a lot of questions about curses. Curses are deliberate acts of vengeance.

First it takes a lot of energy to create a curse. It usually takes more than one person to perform a curse unless there is a lot of very intense emotion going into it. 

Many curses are caused by our ancestors and how they viewed the world around them. For example a great grandparent who tells their children and grandchildren they will never amount to anything over and over again and the next generations believing this creates a curse. The curse becomes a legend about an ancestor and the story continues on through the family until some one who is born in the family who says and believes this isn’t their story. This person breaks the chain for the present and future of the family. Giving an example of positivity bringing hope into the family. 

Breaking free of beliefs from those who we love is a choice. If doesn’t mean you dislike them, you understand them, have compassion for them. You move on with your life changing your beliefs about yourself and what you want to create in your life for yourself and your own family. 

It’s up to you to choose differently and live differently from your ancestors. Use your free will wisely. 

Have you had this experience? 

Many cultures have their own stories about their ancestors and how their family lines came to be.  Learning about your culture can help you understand why and how your ancestors interact with each other. 

As I broke free of family belief that didn’t serve me I wanted a way to help others to clear up their family lines with ease and grace. You can check out the Ancestral Clearing Meditation on my website. Do this meditation twice a month. Focus on one line - father or mother while doing the meditation. 

The reason why you do this twice a month is that it takes at least a week for the energy to clear and for you energy field to balance out from the clearing.  You will feel a shift in your energy when the line is cleared each time you do the meditation. Remember humans have many layers, like onions that need to peeled away and released so you may be doing this meditation twice a month for a while. You may also see other family member acting and reacting differently too. 

How do you feel? This is your homework to do this meditation until you feel this energy work is done. Keep track on how you change your perception and recognize when other do as well. 

Have an awesome week, stay safe! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of Love!

Auriel Grace



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