Psychic Tip of the Day - Let 'It' Go!

Forward movement requires us to let go of thoughts, emotions and feelings that aren't serving us. I know this from personal experience. 

I am very grateful for my life and all the places it has taken me. all the people I have met and the experiences I have had. 

Within all those experiences I have experienced lack, heartache and heart break. I learned early on not to internalize these experiences, move through the emotions so I can let go of that energy holding me in place. Some experiences took me longer to let go of and as I look back I see it was perfect as I met some really awesome people to assist me and uplift me. 

When it was time for me to leave Pagosa Springs, I was very sad and frustrated because I was leaving my home, my people, my family. I had to move to Durango to make a better living. I started looking for a place to live in Durango, because of the emotions I was feeling I held myself in a place of lack and sadness. Which kept me from finding a place to live for myself and my sons. My friend Shar was living with me at the time and she kept telling me let it go, let it go, let it go! 

I knew what she was saying was what I needed to do. While I was working at a metaphysical store I had a reading and the reader told me if you don't let these feelings go, stay present and look to my future, I wouldn't find a home to live in. Which ultimately frustrated me more. 

I finally started to let go and a home came to us. I was still frustrated with the events that led me to the place we moved into. Which led to a car accident that totaled my car and sent me into a place of real frustration. I had worked hard for that car and now, it was gone. 

What the Universe did was help me remove all of which frustrated me in the past and cleared a path for me to move forward. It took me a while to figure it out. When I did, I really started focusing on letting go. Letting go of the emotions that were holding me in place.

I have been working with a lot of people who are in this situation and this is my advice - forgive, be grateful, love yourself, release the emotions triggered by what you see as roadblocks to your desire. The events in our lives aren't just about us. They are about everyone we are connected to. 

As you release those emotions so you release the energy between you and another person or place. Everyone has free will. They have their own experiences, lessons, life, wants and desires to pursue. Allow them that as you allow yourself your life to live. 

Stop spinning the same story over and over again in your brain. It is a detriment to you and your well being. Whenever you feel those emotions come up say this and mean it - 

I love you
I bless you
I forgive you
I thank you
I release you

Holding yourself in non movement is a very low frequency. Take the steps of healing and move forward. Love yourself enough to see the blessings in your life, really feel those blessings every moment and you will bloom and bloom and bloom. 

Here is another example of being held in place - Potential

We all see the potential of the people we are close too. I have read for many people who see the potential in their mates, siblings, children, friends. However the potential is never achieved and their is disappointment and frustration as the relationship evolves. 

Potential is potential thats all. There are times when we have to just release the person so we can move on.

There are circumstances when we have known this person in other lifetimes and want to mold them back into that person we knew in the other lifetimes. That was then, this is now. Feel grateful for the reconnection and release this person so you can move on to have a more fulfilling life, no matter how much time and energy you have put into the relationship. 

Potential is like having expectations. Both of these experiences will lead to disaster if you don't pay attention to where it is leading you. 

Once you realize it is up to you alone to have a fulfilling life, you will find that the quality of your life changes and those who are in that same vibe will appear. 

Start making your changes! Stop spinning and let it go!

Keep your hearts open and aligned with the energy of love!


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