Chimera - Mythical Creature


Science - in the 1980’s a combination of a sheep & goat and a geep was create. Two embryos one a goat and one a sheep combined to create one embryo. A Chimera. Two embryos combined into one.

After the Annunaki arrived on Earth, their slaves the Egiki - their slaves revolted. The Annunaki wiped them out as a species here on earth and started to create a species they could use as slaves.

After creating many creatures they created the perfect being to be their slaves - Humans. This is where our legendary creatures come from.

The Annunaki spread through our Earth, creating their own colonies looking for gold. The gold was for their home planet to help with climate change. This is why ‘Eden’ or heavenly gardens are a part of every culture. There is also pictographs around the world of ‘spacemen’ and their ‘spaceships’.

In each area of settlement we will find a pantheon of ‘gods, goddesses and their creatures’. If we look closely at the pantheons we see these creator gods and goddesses are very much human like, human emotions, tyrannical, helpful, compassionate etc.

The Chimera is one of the most feared monster in mythology within the Hellenic world. The Chimera is brought into Greek mythology.

The Chimera was a monstrous fire breathing hybrid female creature, composed of different animal parts from Lycia, Asia Minor. 500 miles away from Greece.

The Chimera is always depicted as being female and sometimes the mother of the Sphinx and the Nemean Lion. The Chimera is mortal.

She is usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat protruding from its back, a tail that might end with a snake head.

She is the offspring of Typhon and Echidna who are primordial God and Goddesses and a sibling of Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra.

The Chimera made it’s home in Lycia, modern day South West Turkey near geo thermal features, referred to as the ‘eternal fires of Chimera’. The geo thermal vents emit burning methane - metamorphic origin. Wreaking havoc through out the region.

Iobates, the king of Lycia ordered Bellerophon to kill the Chimera because it was devastating the herds of sheep and cattle in his kingdom. The King hoped that Chimera would kill Bellerophon, Bellerophon was a little full of himself.

Bellerophon being a faithful hero to the Gods with the aid of Pegasus shot the Chimera from a great height while flying on pegasus and killed it.

Similar Creatures -

Egypt - Fire breathing Lioness - solar and war deity. 3000 years before Greek
Etruscan civilization - Chimera appears in wall paintings 4th century B.C.

Indian/Indus Civilization there are pictures of the chimera on many seals There are different chimera on the Indian continent. They do not give the beast a name.

Neo Hittite Chimera from Carchemish date 850-750b.c.

References - 


Uncovering Greek Mythology  - Lucas Dusso

Mythology - Edith Hamilton 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace  



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