Lernaean Hydra - Mythical Creature

Lernaean Hydra - Mythical Creature

After the Annunaki arrived on Earth, their slaves the Egiki - their slaves revolted. The Annunaki wiped them out as a species here on earth and started to create a species they could use as slaves.

After created many creatures they created the perfect being to be their slaves - Humans. This is where our legendary creatures come from.

The Annunaki spread through our Earth, creating their own colonies looking for gold. The gold was for their home planet to help with climate change. This is why ‘Eden’ or heavenly gardens are a part of every culture. There is also pictographs around the world of ‘spacemen’ and their ‘spaceships’.

In each area of settlement we will find a pantheon of ‘gods, goddesses and their creatures’. If we look closely at the pantheons we see these creator gods and goddesses are very much human like, human emotions, tyrannical, helpful, compassionate etc.

The Lernaean Hydra is a monstrous, multi headed poisonous monster. The most dangerous creature in mythology, with poisonous breath and blood, it’s scent was deadly. When one of the heads of the Hydra were cut off, two grew in the same spot.

The Hydra guarded the entrance to the underworld at the lake of Lerna. Archeologist have established it as a second site older than Mycenaean Argos.

According to Hesiod Typhon and Echidna created the Lernaean Hydra. Hera adopted the creature and nurtured it as a dangerous creature to slay Hercules.

The slaying of the Learnaean Hydra was Hercules Second Labor. Hercules was assisted by his nephew Iolaus, who was inspired by Athena on how to kill the Hydra.

Constellation of the Hydra and Cancer (Crab) were created by Hera 

References - 


Uncovering Greek Mythology  - Lucas Dusso

Mythology - Edith Hamilton 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace  


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