After the Annunaki arrived on Earth, their slaves the Egiki - their slaves revolted. The Annunaki wiped them out as a species here on earth and started to create a species they could use as slaves.
After creating many creatures they created the perfect being to be their slaves - Humans. This is where our legendary creatures come from.
The Annunaki spread through our Earth, creating their own colonies looking for gold. The gold was for their home planet to help with climate change. This is why ‘Eden’ or heavenly gardens are a part of every culture. There is also pictographs around the world of ‘spacemen’ and their ‘spaceships’.
In each area of settlement we will find a pantheon of ‘gods, goddesses and their creatures’. If we look closely at the pantheons we see these creator gods and goddesses are very much human like, human emotions, tyrannical, helpful, compassionate etc.
The Titans were the former gods: the generation of gods preceding the Olympians. They were overthrown as part of the Greek succession myth, which tells how Cronus seized power from his father Uranus and ruled the cosmos with his fellow Titans before being in turn defeated and replaced as the ruling pantheon of gods by Zeus and the Olympians in a ten-year war called "the Titanomachy" (ἡ Τῑτᾱνομᾰχῐ́ᾱ Τῑτᾱνομαχίᾱ hē Tītānomakhíā). As a result of this war, the vanquished Titans were banished from the upper world and held imprisoned under guard in Tartarus, although apparently some Titans were allowed to remain free. - Wikipedia
Aphrodite/ Venus is created from the sea foam. After Cronus attacked his father, castrating Uranus. Uranus parts fell into the ocean, creating great waves.
Aphrodite sprang from the sea foam of those great waves. She is the goddess of love, beauty, passion and procreation.
Her symbols , Pearls, scallop shell, roses, and mirrors. Her animals, dove, tortoise, dolphin
Aphrodite is about present passions and sensuality. She wins a contest as the most fairest from the prince Paris of Troy. She gives to him his hearts desire, the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen. So started the Trojan War. (Be careful what you wish for).
Affair with Ares God of War
Hephaestus is her husband
Hera/ Juno - Sister wife to Zeus. Goddess of marriage, childbirth, women, stability & family. Her animal totems are the peacock and lion. Hera’s temples are the biggest and most prolific.
Hera is a jealous and vengeful wife. She punishes her husband - Zeus - lovers and their children. She never punishes her husband - she is the goddess of stability and marriage
Athena/ Minerva - Divine Intelligence - Zeus & Metis daughter - Athena Goddess of war is the aspect of strategy and wisdom. She is always depicted in assisting the heroes or demi gods on their paths. She gives them weapons and wisdom so they are triumphant in their quests. Heracles, Perseus, Bellerophon, Odysseus
Athena works for the highest good of humans as she guides them with her wisdom. She is focused, disciplined and present to assist with strategy and wisdom.
She also has a vengeful side - She turned the beautiful Medusa in to the Gorgon. A Snake headed woman who turned anything into stone with her gaze.
Artemis/Diana -Leto & Zeus - Twin of Apollo - She is the divine huntress, the goddess of the wilderness, protector of young women, guardian of the moon, Her totem is the cypress tree.
Artemis helps humans with hunting and protection of their women. Artemis is one of the most worshipped deities in the ancient Mediterranean. Her patron city is Ephesus, in modern day Turkey - one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Artemis remains a maiden goddess - chaste. Her bow and arrows are made from Cyclopes. She assists with the ability to relieve the pains of childbirth.
Demeter/ Ceres - Mother of the harvest, the giver of growth and grain. Demeter dictates the natural order of things. She is known before the Greek pantheon was created through out the land.
Demeter symbols include wheat, the torch, cornucopia and bread. She likes poppy flowers.
Demeter boasted one of the largest and most famous cults of the ancient world. Her patron city was Eleusis along the mainland Greece’s southeastern coast. The Eleusinian Mysteries, a festival devoted to the harvest goddess and her daughter Persephone. Elements of this festival can be traced to the Mycenaean period.
Demeter also enjoyed the festival Thesmophoria. Which was a festival specifically for women, fertility and reproduction.
Demeter had a daughter names Persephone. Persephone and her friends, were gathered in the garden of eden created for her by Zeus. Hades saw Persephone and fell in love with her. He drove his chariot to the Earth’s surface and kidnapped Persephone.
When Demeter found out her daughter was missing she wandered the world looking for her. She asked every human and animal if they had seen her daughter.
When Demeter and Hera met, Demeter told Hera pf her missing daughter. Hera took Demeter by the hand and led her to Helio’s chariot.
Helio’s rode his chariot across the sky during the day as he represented the sun. He could also see in other realms. Helio’s told Demeter he saw Hades take Persephone to the underworld. He heard Hades claim he wanted to make Persephone his wife.
Demeter cursed, Zeus, Hades and went into exile.
While all this was going on the the abundant plants died and human’s suffered. There were no more sacrifices to the gods.
Zeus, worked out a compromise for Hades and Demeter. His compromise was that Persephone spend six months of the year with Hades and six months with her mother above ground. Hence we have spring, summer, fall and winter.
Hestia/Vesta - Goddess of home, hearth, family and the state. When completing any building, there is always a sacrifice to Hestia, to ensure the prosperity, security and longevity of the structure and its inhabitants. Hestia has done a great job keeping many of the ancient building in tact - By the way!
She stepped aside for Dionysus to keep the harmony of mount Olympus.
Her symbol is the hearth with a fire burning within it.
Her goal is to provide comfort and community beneath a roof. She helped to feed humans by keeping the fire burning so that could bake their bread for sustenance.
She is the most human of the Gods and remains chaste so not to be distracted by creating harmony for humans.
Her temples for the Greeks were the fire places with in homes everywhere. Humans placed some of their bread in the fire before eating as her sacrifice.
Hestia kept the fires burning on Mount Olympus with all the sacrificial meat given up to the Gods.
What I noticed while doing research for the Goddesses in the Greek Pantheon is their focus is about helping humans and nature. They assisted the 'heroes' with their legendary quests. The sacrifices they required were that of flowers, incense, bread and wheat. I added the names of the Roman Goddesses as the Romans integrated the Greeks Pantheon.
The Greeks also understood their Gods and Goddesses had very humanlike personalities. They were benevolent when positive attention was paid to them, but when there was no attention they could be very malevolent. The Greeks also believed like the Egyptians their Gods could die and go onto Elysium (Heaven). Even in Elysium they were still aware and could assist humans and the other gods.
Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith Archangels and angels are created to serve the Creator and Mankind. In other words the angels are our helpers, they help us, by different kinds of guidance. When you receive guidance, remember to say thank you. You do not have to elaborate, leave offerings or anything like that as the Angels were created to assist our Creator and us Humans, Be polite, say thank you. Archeia are the divine feminine Archangels. Most of the archeia are compliments for Archangels. Remember not to humanize Angels. They are Angels, we are humans, totally different living beings. The angels do not punish, or force a way of being. Angels assist us with raising our resonance. Angels are not religious, they are love. You don’t need to worship the angels to accept guidance for you. All you have to do is say thank you. Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith are the Archangels in charge of the Guardian angels. What ...
Gratitude - Gratitude, thankfulness or gratefulness, from the Latin word gratus "pleasing, thankful", is a feeling of appreciation felt by and/or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, favors, or other types of generosity, to the giver of said gifts. The difference between Gratitude & Thankful The Oxford Dictionary defines the word thankful as “pleased and relieved.” Both of those are great feelings. ... The Oxford Dictionary defines the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness.” This is where the difference lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action. When I lived in Colorado, my friend Vicki taught me about being present with my gratitudes. She helped me rewire my brain to help me be open to receive what life had to offer. We started writing our gratitudes/Intentions - keeping journals. As word smiths we were able to write some pretty lines, lines that resonated with us to help us with ...
A couple of weeks ago I had a very interesting conversation with one of my colleagues. We were discussing the different rates that some of some of the different energy workers. There seems to be some who have opinions that rates may be exorbitant with some of the healers, energy workers or mediums. I gave myself a few days to think about the conversation and get clear on what I thought about the differences in rates. My opinion is those with integrity and get results should charge what they feel is appropriate. The Equal Exchange of Energy - Remember? There may be some rates are so high that the middle class or lessor cannot afford them. What if this energy work is just for those of the upper class? Maybe this expensive energy work is for those people who assist with 'making our world a better place?' I am thankful for this. Perhaps this energy work will help those who make great decisions for the masses, instead of just for the self. Does that make sen...
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