Who is Ptah?

Annunaki - Enki’s Son Ptah - Ptah, also spelled Phthah, in Egyptian religion, creator-god and maker of things, a patron of craftsmen, especially sculptors; his high priest was called “chief controller of craftsmen.” 

Memphis Theology 

It was thought that because Ptah was a craftsman he created everything. He created living beings through pottery then blew life into his creations giving them life - 'through his heart and through his lungs’.  Ptah crafted the world in the design of his heart and gave life to the gods and their Ka as well, 'through this heart and this tongue.' 

Similar to Genesis 1- Where God creates the world and all within it through thought and love. 

This is written on the Shabaka stone in the British muesum the inscription dates 25th dynasty, there are references to this story before the stone was carved. Ptah has been written on the walls of temples and through the scribes since the first dynasty. 

The Egyptians believed Ptah created all things by visualizing and through his word he named all things, human, animal. plants, earth etc. He is a primordial God. 

Pet- ta-heh -  
pet -supporting the sky,
ta - above the earth, 
heh, dieties combining female - element of the sky, male element of the earth

He is often painted or carved holding a sceptre combining three powerful symbols 
The Was Scepter, the sign of life, Ankh, the Deed pillar. The three combined symbols indicate the three creative powers of the god - power/Was, life/ Ankh, stability/ Djed 

It was thought that Ptah created the God Atum, who created Ra

Ptah was honored by the craftsmen who created royal tombs. He was honored as the God who Listens or the intercessor between gods & men with ears carved on the enclosure to his inner most sanctuary in Memphis, Egypt.

The craftsmen who created the kings tombs in the valley of the kings were of Ptah. The craftsmen, worshipped and venerated Ptah as their God who helped and listened to thier prayers. 

Coronations of the Pharaohs were done in the temples of Ptah, his priests worked with the viziers on architecture, building temples, palaces, creative projects. The priests were often married to royal princesses, keeping the Gods energy within the family of the Pharaohs. 

Ptah is also associated with dwarves. Dwarves were associated with stone carvers and jewelers in the Old Kingdom workshops. 

Ptah and his consort Sehkmet created Nefertem.

Since Theo and I decided to do our Ancient History Show, I have gone down some rabbit holes searching for how these awesome legends and mythology started. I was not surprised to find there is a lot of research and evidence showing in many ancient civilizations that our Gods and Goddesses come from different planets, galaxies and universes. These extraterrestrials come to our planet because of its awesome resources. These beings create or recreate human kind to assist them with their searches. Some of these beings stayed here on Earth to create their own dynasties and sharing with us knowledge and their DNA to assist human kind. I am excited to continue to research and share with you what I find! I hope you enjoy reading my notes and watching the videos as much as I love creating them!  

Research - 

The Complete Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt p Richard H. Wilkinson

The Lost Book of Enki - Zecharia Stichin 




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