Thoth & Emerald Tablets

Thoth the Priest King of Atlantis wrote his teachings on Emerald tablets 16,000 -36000 years ago. As I researched his teachings, I realized yet again here is the concepts for ascension or spiritual growth. He says many time through the book to walk in the Light. Be love. Be present and more of what we teach and hear about all the time. 

Here is the question I have for you - Do you practice being Love, Presence, do you walk in the light? 

Here are some examples of what is written in the tablets - 

Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.

Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage, a fetter that binds the darkness to men

Follow thine heart during thy lifetime, Do though more than is commended of thee. Tablet 3

Wisdom is power. Don't be proud of your wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. Listen to the knowledgeable as wisdom is everything.

Speak up in the face of evil. For Truth like sunlight shines above all.

Follow your heart.

Do more than what is demanded of you.

Use your riches in the right way. Share your resources with your friends.

Seek out a spiritual guide. Those who are guided don't go astray, but those who are lost cannot find a straight path.

Don't listen to gossip or gossip yourself. Silence is great.

The senses are illusions. Turn thy thoughts inwards.

Know O man that Light is thy heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil.

Tablet 4

Walk in the Light, be Love, Be present and wise! 

Have a great week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of Love! 

Auriel Grace


The Emerald Tablets translated by Dr. Doreal 

The Complete Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt By Richard H. Wilkinson 

Atlantic & the Power System of the Gods - David Hatcher Childress/ Bill Clendenon - Thoth & the Emerald Tablets Thoth & The Emerald Tablets - Book 


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