Who is Ra/ Re?

 Who is Ra/ Re? 

Principle God - King of the Egyptian Gods. 

Main place of worship - Heliopolis  - Sun City  - now located in the suburbs of Cairo. By the fourth dynasty the pharaohs were seen as the manifestation of Ra on Earth.

The Gods took care of the humans and the humans worship the Gods.Balance & Harmony radiate from Ra - Balance was the most important cultural value of Egyptians. 

Atum  - his human form

Kephri - Beetle Form

Horus - Falcon Form

He is the king of Egyptian Gods -he created the Gods & Goddesses as aspects of himself. 

The Phoenix os a representation of his Ba - his soul - representing his reincarnation every night as he traveled through the sky during the day and through the underworld chasing away the darkness, facing challenges including a battle with Apophis (Chaos), rising as the sun- bringing back the light - everyday. 

His main focus is to chase away the darkness, by traveling through the ‘gates’ of the underworld. Every night he combats Apophis with the help of Set - his great grandson - God of Chaos 

Ra/Atum created  Shu - Air & Tefnut (moisture)  - from himself 

Ra was the king of the deities and the father of all creation. He was the patron of the sun, heaven, kingship, power, and light. He was not only the deity who governed the actions of the sun, he could also be the physical sun itself, as well as the day.

Other Gods Created by Ra - 




More on these Goddesses in a later blog. 

Ra after raging against humans and feeling guilty about his rage, retired and created the Field of Reeds, A’aru - Egyptian Heaven - Leaving his grandchildren - Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, Set, Horus the Senior to rule earth. 

Name Combinations

Amun/Amun - Ra appeared in the Pyramid Text as early as the 5th dynasty - solar creator god 

Atum/Atum - Ra - Father of all the dieties and pharaohs and were widely worshiped

Ra-Horakhty - ‘Ra (who is) Horus of the Horizons - Title

Khepri and Khnum - Khepri (beetle)- morning manifestation of Ra, Khnum - (ram) evening manifestation of Ra

Raet-Tawy female aspect of Ra

Since Theo and I decided to do our Ancient History Show, I have gone down some rabbit holes searching for how these awesome legends and mythology started. I was not surprised to find there is a lot of research and evidence showing in many ancient civilizations that our Gods and Goddesses come from different planets, galaxies and universes. These extraterrestrials come to our planet because of its awesome resources. These beings create or recreate human kind to assist them with their searches. Some of these beings stayed here on Earth to create their own dynasties and sharing with us knowledge and their DNA to assist human kind. I am excited to continue to research and share with you what I find! I hope you enjoy reading my notes and watching the videos as much as I love creating them!  

Research - 

The Complete Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt p Richard H. Wilkinson

The Lost Book of Enki - Zecharia Stichin 



See you Sunday Night 8E/7C/5P on Youtube & Facebook! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!



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