
Annunaki - landed 445,000 years ago. 

Sumerian - 4500 B.C.

Eridu/Eden Created by Anunnaki

The Egiki (sp) were to be slaves for them. The Egiki(sp) revolted from too much labor. They were annihilated.

The solution was to Create new beings to be slaves. They created a hybrid submissive being - the Nephelim, unicorn, dragons, etc mythological beasts. 

The first human male - Adamu - Humans developed quickly, learning the skills the Anunnaki taught them but worried the humans not to multiply. The human population grew to fast and so some were evicted from Eden. 

The first flood was caused by the passing of the planet Eridu, causing too much rain and tidal catastrophe’s.  

This caused the Anunnaki to flee to their ships. Before they left, the Anunnaki taught the humans how to create monarchies, communities, to lead, giving them more power to lead their own lives and civilizations.  - Tablets 8-9

They also taught the Ziggerats aligned with the constellations of Earth to guide the Anunnaki back to Earth. 

Sumerian Gods - 

Anu - Heaven - oldest, infinite wisdom.

Ki - Earth, Ann’s wife. She gave birth to the Anunnaki - the children of Heaven and Earth

Enlil - Gad of Wind, Air and Storms. He was responsible for keeping heaven and earth at a safe distance.

Enki - Oceans & Rivers - Ration of Eden

Nanna - Moon Goddess - wisdom, curiosity - responsible for teaching - scientific studies

Uto  - Sun God - Justice & Truth

Inanna/Ishtar - Uto’s twin - Goddess of Fertility

The Word of Lord Enki - Tablets 8-14

8.1  - 9

While the humans are taught to be more domesticated, farming, gardening, building mud brick homes. Taking care of herd animals and more. 

Anunnaki and Humans intermarry. 

A rule comes from Anu that Anunnaki who intermarry with Humans cannot go back to Niburu

All of the sons of Anunnaki were exiled from Eden across the sea. 

Bathsheba became pregnant and had a child, the first Caucasian born in the 110 shar or 396,000 earth years after the arrival of the Anunnaki.

Some of the Anunnaki wanted to teach Humans more - example - healing. They were told not too. Even after starvation and plagues. Many Anunnaki did not like humans. 

9.4 - The Earth started to experience Climate change. Earth experienced melting of glaciers, poles switching. 


Second Flood - Many of the Annunaki did not like the humans, they decided to leave and allow the humans to die. Enki, collected the different DNA from animals and seeds from the earth and gave it to hid grandson Noah and told him to build an arc to safe life on Earth. Noah did as Enki said.  The Arc settled next to mount Ararat. 

Anunnaki return to Earth to check the devastation and to re-establish Earth and mine for Gold.  While they were searching for gold they found Kane’s people/ 

10.6 The Anunnaki divide the lands & Build the pyramids.

11.1 3600 Peace was kept. 

11.2-The story of Isis, Osiris and Horus begins. This story has been written over and over again through out history of the Divine parents and their tragedy as well as the son who is born to save everyone. 

12.4 The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a second flood so God brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another.

12.5 Ra is now the Sun God of Egypt

12.6 Ra now holds infinite wisdom

13.1 - The story of Gilgamesh - Horrible king of Uruk and friend of Inkidu - shared audio book on Auriel Grace Practical Psychic Page

13.2 Ra attains immortality - Rules Earth, Humans learn Astrology

13.3 Annunaki are angry with humans and their free will. 

13.4 They use nuclear war - Enki again steps in to help the humans

13.6 Enki helps  humans

14.1 Enki gives Ra damaged land. 

Enki and Enlil go east to look for gold. 

This is the last blog about the Anunnaki & the Sumerian Gods. I do feel like we will be referring to them as we move on to talking about the Egyptians and Atlantis. After climate change and a nuclear war Enki and his brother Enlil left the curated land to continue to search for Gold. Leaving their sons to rule the area of Mesopotamia. Ra was given the area to rule. As the land healed humans moved back to the area and started to claim it back. For each community or region there was a God to care for the region. We are going to explore the creation stories of the Mediterranean and also look at the legends go Atlantis and Lumeria. Were they legends? Let's find out!  

Resources - The Anunnaki Gods

The Lost Book of Enki - Zecharia Stitchen

Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree


Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 

Auriel Grace


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