Sacral Chakra


Sacral Chakra  - 

This is the feeling chakra - energy in motion - emotion


When this chakra is balanced, you are enthusiastic, loving life, loving self. This is where the self love glow comes from.  This is the place of creation and creativity, the appreciation of beauty in all shapes and forms.  When we can give ourselves over to our passion, whether it is our art, hobbies or love, this is what a balanced sacral chakra feels like. 

How do we get to that point? 

We make sure to not bury or hold onto our pain, we clear out our hurts as we live our lives and not hoard them, this causes us to close or shut down. We stop seeing the beauty around us and start creating chaos in our hearts, minds and the core of our being!  Time to feel and release, forgive and be grateful.

When I start a reading I ’see’ your energy field, the layers between colors and then your chakras. 

When you are leaking energy from your chakras, the colors are dull and the chakra is sluggish you lack energy and when the chakras are energetically corded.  This can also cause lower back pain, heavy menstrual cycles, other kinds of reproductive problems. 

This is also the place where our unrequited love & abandonment issues come from. The place where we are afraid of being alone and long for that true love to come and make that romantic rescue. Past and present lifetimes. Stop cycling through these feelings and emotions. Save yourself. 

How do we help ourselves and heal our hurts? 

Chakra meditation on my website  -

Before sleeping place your hands on your pelvis and breath light into the area. - Reiki

Invite & invoke Archangel Micheal to cut and Cauterize all cords leading in and out of you that are no longer serving you. 

Cord cutting ceremony - Melinda Carver

Soul Retrieval Sessions

If we look at ourselves and see the many layers that make us who we are, we realize it might take some time to bring us back to center, so we can balance out and love ourselves so much more. 

When we take time to care for our energy centers we will feel the grounding energy of Earth all the way past our crown chakra to the celestial energy around us. 

Let's keep that energy flowing and growing!

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of love!

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