Supporting Self

Before we start our talk, I want to remind you I am not a psychologist, I am a psychic. What I relate to you in these shows are what I have tried  and what works for me. If it can work for me it can work for you! Seeing you flourish and grow is my greatest pleasure and what I am guided to do. 

We talk about being healthy on all levels and practicing well being in some way on this show.  Last week we spoke about Happiness being an inside job.  It is up to us to make decisions that resonate with us and follow through with those decisions. 

This week lets talk about how we can support ourselves through our decision making and working toward our goals. 

First let’s talk about boundaries & triggers -  One of may friends said she was going to make me a t-shirt with a Beware sign on it. It cracked me up. I have set up a lot of boundaries for myself. Now these days I don’t put up with any crap out of anyone. If you are not nice and sincere - you can forget about being my friend.  I always look for an equal exchange of energy for my friendships. That way we always feel good about visiting with each other. 

In my life I always want to help people. I like helping people. However I have to remember I am a human and I need to refill my energy and rest. 

So I set up my work schedule so I can do that. It seems like I am working all the time. I am not. I take time to visit, investigate and discover my environment. I have lots of hobbies I enjoy so I won’t get bored. When I am bored I get cranky. 

That is creating healthy boundaries for self and others. 

So let’s talk about triggers - What causes you discomfort, anger, embarrassment etc? 

How can you manage triggers? By recognizing when you are having spinning thoughts. Stop the thoughts and quiet your mind so you can release those thoughts and emotions out into the universe. Let it go, it doesn’t serve you. 

By managing time you spend with annoying people and how you react to them.  Do annoying people deserve your attention? No. 

Example - There are many Peeps who give me advice on how I can make myself look better. It used to bug me, it made me feel less than what I am. Once I realized this,  I laughed!

I am a what you see is what you get kinda girl. When I stepped into this energy, I felt powerful. What kind of person are you? Claim it! Empower yourself. Those who love you will respect you and most of all you will respect yourself!

Be honest, especially with yourself. This will alleviate much of your stress when you are honest with yourself and bring you back to center. 

Every day, week, month I update my intentions. My intentions and goals are my foundation.  my intentions give me clarity and help me stay the course to achieve my goals. My goals are different that your goals and it is ok - we are all different and wondrous beings.

The recipe for bring your intentions into your reality is knowing it will happen. Being certain within your being you can create what you are writing about. 

I wanted to be a writer/author. I am. I am working on my 13th book and have plans for more. Why? Because writing the stories brings me joy. I enjoy writing them and I love to hear what you think of the books I write. 

I believed I could do it, no matter what anyone else thought or felt.

Gratitude for your life can bring ease to you, it will change and expand your life.

What are you grateful for? Think about it, make a list, keep it where you can see it and add to it! Soon you will feel the change within yourself. 

Try these ideas out. See if they help you with your life!

Have a beautiful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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