Accountability & Karma


Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love - Lao Tzu 

What is Karma and how does it affect you? 

Karma is energy, it is a balancing energy. It isn’t revenge. It isn’t horrible unless you let it.

Before we come into this life we connect with our spirit crew to decide what we want to learn in this life. How we are going to learn, what we can achieve in this life we are entering.  We create soul contracts and we are given the opportunity to learn these lessons. It is up to us how we can learn them. Life is an opportunity to advance our soul’s journey. 

Sometimes we come into life feeling a certain way. For example there are a lot of people with the attitude of entitlement. These people feel or think we should just do for them without question. If we don’t they are totally wrecked. 

I always ask people like that if they can make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I know this sounds silly but it helps people realize they are being silly by thinking others should do for them when they can do for themselves. 

One of the cool things about living in this time is information is accessible to us. We can find out so much through our different devices. Google & Siri are my good friends. There is no reason why we cannot do for ourselves and or help others. 

What did you choose to learn in this life? Take a moment and think about the themes in your life , think about a lesson that has come to you in different ways that you are working on.  

Have you been able to balance or learn that lesson in a good way?

This is what I call a break down - You breaking down your life in increments and seeing the events that you are creating to learn from. 

Here is a handy tip for you to figure it out - Write a timeline of your life. Do it in pencil. As you are writing your timeline you will remember more to write on your time line. 

You will see cycles throughout your life and you see what you have achieved on a soul level. This will lighten your heart and soul. Sometimes when we do a review we realize, wow, I have an accomplished a lot for my self in this life. 

Our soul lessons and balancing karma do not have to be painful, you can change how you learn as you go.  It is your life make good choices, you don’t have to suffer. 

When I am working on my own stuff and I start the releasing process, I sit with the issue and then when I am ready to let go and send the energy out to the Universe, I say

I love you

I bless you

I forgive you

I thank you

I release you

I say this for myself and then fill myself up with healing light. 

Our Spirit crew is here to help us, remember to pay attention to those intuitive hit and however you get them to help you. You spirit crew is here to help you, as they help you, they learn as well - equal exchange of energy. 

You can help yourself by do the chakra meditation on my website. Within for the meditation is some soul retrieval in it. The chakra meditation will help you maintain your energy and empower you. 

These are all steps you can take for yourself to be accountable for your growth and well being. 

Have an awesome week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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