Happiness - An Inside Job

Mercury Rx until 4/25. Key word for the next week is patience and stay on top of everything. Making sure you are making lists and following through on your daily tasks. Don’t take anyone personally. Instead keep rolling. It will help you get through the next week. 

Mercury retrograde will bring that mis understood vibe out. Take a breath, make sure not to get caught up in drama. Don’t get trapped into fighting with anyone. Make sure to back off and tell the other person/ people let’s hold off on this conversation until we can all speak with clear heads. 

For those of you looking for new jobs, make sure to go over your information a couple of time to make sure you are sending everything correctly. Be patient. Companies are hiring now, allow them to get back to you. Make sure it is a job you actually want. 

Patience! Be Patient with yourself and others. 

May looks like a great month! We will Have Kendra walk us through May to help us plan our month.

So why is Happiness an inside job? 

All of the virtues reside within us. They are an experience, unique to each one of us. We experience happiness differently. 

I am an optimist, I believe I can accomplish what I want to create. I discovered, this is how I am. Some of my accomplishments, I was told, you will never make a life from that. Yet, through all the crazy stuff in my life I am able to accomplish what I wanted. I am happy with this. I am grateful for my life.

Happiness is a realization, your own feeling, that only you can have. No one else can create this for you. Other people may be there to celebrate with you, to uplift you and support you on your journey within, but you are the expression and the feeling. 

Take a moment and think about what shifts you into happiness. What did you think of? Let me know in the comments.  

The greatest advice my Dad gave me when I was going through a rough time was - It doesn’t matter what others think. Who are they to you? Why does it matter what they think? This conversation lifted me up and helped me understand the energy of expectation. 

Expectation brings disappointment. Let your expectations go so you can fully experience your life. Expectation can stop you from having experiences. Expectation is a burden. Don’t carry it around. Set it down and be free. 

When I am feeling off, I always ask myself, am I disappointed in myself? Am I allowing others to influence me with their own expectations of me? 

I advise you to ask yourself these questions.  When feeling out of sorts. Your inner wisdom, inner guidance will help guide you to the truth, which will relieve you of burdens of others, uplift you and bring you back to a place of joy and happiness. 

Allowing people to be who they are is a great way to feel happiness and joy. Seeing others for who they are and celebrating their uniqueness. You celebrating your uniqueness is wondrous. It is an act of grace, which will bring you back to happiness and joy. 

Boredom - for those of you who are bored, depending on your spouse, your family and friends to entertain you - go out and do it yourselves. If you are able find something that interests you and check it out. Create something for yourself.

Looking outside of yourself - do not be co dependent. Be independent. 

Being happy doesn’t mean you are always giggling and laughing. As I said before happiness is different for everyone.  We are all human after all. One of the the things that makes me happy is when I am able to help someone. Help put them at ease. I love my work. The fulfillment i feel when I see my clients shift into their ah ha moments or when they are able to release what is not serving them. 

My connection to our Creator, this brings me great joy. How about you? What else helps shift you? 

Now, some of you will email me and say - You didn’t tell us how to shift into happiness. Go back and listen to what I said. 

There are many influencers out there doing a great job leading us to ideas that can fulfill  us. These are experiences, give yourself permission to have experiences, especially those that resonate with you.  If you go against the grain of what others think or what they want for you - more power to you. 

You are the only one who can feel that true happiness and joy within you. No one can give it to you. No one can do it for you. Nor can you do it for anyone else. Do not allow anyone to tell you are wrong by what you do to be and express happiness. 

I remember dating this guy who said I laughed to loud and too much. That made me laugh more, all the way out and away from him. 

Happiness is a journey in discovering yourself, being who you are without influence of others. It will change as you grow and mature. 

Have an awesome week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE

Auriel Grace



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