Celtic Pantheon

After the Annunaki arrived on Earth, their slaves the Egiki  - their slaves revolted. The Annunaki wiped them out as a species here on earth and started to create a species they could use as slaves. 

After creating many creatures they created the perfect being to be their slaves - Humans. This is where our legendary creatures come from. 

The Annunaki spread through our Earth, creating their own colonies looking for gold. The gold was for their home planet to help with climate change. This is why ‘Eden’ or heavenly gardens are a part of every culture. There is also pictographs around the world of ‘spacemen’ and their ‘spaceships’.

In each area of settlement we will find a pantheon of ‘gods, goddesses and their creatures’. If we look closely at the pantheons we see these creator gods and goddesses are very much human like, human emotions, tyrannical, helpful, compassionate etc. 

Gauls  - Celts - Where did they come from? 

Celtic Root - gal - Power, Ability Old Breton gal - power, ability, Irish Gal - bravery, courage. etc

The Gauls were a tribal culture that lived and traveled through Europe. They lived  5th century B.C - 5 Century A.D. Their language is a Continental Celtic Language. They reached the peak of their civilization early 3rd century B.C. They lived during the Iron Age. 

The Gauls living in the Mediterranean area were influenced by the Greeks. The Gauls invaded Rome circa 390B.C. They continued to Sicily, then going east the Gauls tried to invade Greece, the Greeks devastated the Gauls. 

In 58 B.C. Julius Caesar launched the Gallic Wars and conquered the whole of Gaul by 51 B.C.  The Gauls were not organized enough to overwhelm the Romans.  Julius Caesar was the first person to write about the Gauls. 

The Gauls were very civilized and could organize for war when needed. They lived in villages and towns, there have been 200 gold mines found by archeologists. They were wealthy and great craftsmen. 

Druids were part of the council for the leaders or kings of each tribe. They helped to keep the history of the Gauls/ Celts. They were the priests, teachers, judges.  Their history was orally given. 


A druid was a member of the high-ranking class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors. Druids left no written accounts. - Google

The Druids abstracted from warfare and paid no tribute. They studies ancient verse, natural philosophy, astronomy, and the lore of the gods, some spending as much as 20 years in training. The Druids were said to believe that the soul was immortal and passed at death from one person into another. 

Druids rites were held in clearings in the forest. Sacred buildings were used later under Roman influence. The druids were suppressed in Gaul by the Romans under Tiberius - 14-37Ce. In Ireland they lost their priestly functions after coming of Christianity and survived as poets, historians and judges. 


Gaulish Celtic Dieties

Cernunnos - Lord of all wild things and fertility -When depicted He wore antlers and a torque (a metal choker worn only by royalty) he is sitting in meditation pose surrounded by animals.

He was worshipped primarily in Britain, there are traces of his cult in Ireland. He first shows up in Gaul, Jutland, dating 1st century BCE. 

He is ‘Nature’. Cernunnos is found in the forest, he understands the journey from the birth of the soul to the death of the soul and assists with keeping nature balanced.  

Epona (Great Mare)  was adopted by the Romans. She is known as Rhiannon in Wales, Macha in Ireland. Epona is the protector of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. She is also a goddess of fertility, with the presence of cornucopia, ears of grain and the presence of foals in in some sculptures. She became the patroness of the calvary in Rome. Her worship was widespread throughout Gual, Syria, Carinthia and the Roman empire. Small sculptures are found by archeologists of Epona in stables. There are also sculptures and carvings found of her in Britain. 

Presently on Mackinac Island, Michigan, Epona is celebrated each June with stable tours, a blessing of the animals and the Epona and Barkus parade. Mackinac Island does not permit personal automobiles: the primary source of transportation remains the horse, so celebrating Epona has special significance on this island in the upper midwest. The Feast of Epona involves the blessing of the horses and other animals by local churchmen.  - wikipedia

Lugus - Is similar to Mercury - Welsh - Lleu Law Gyffes (Lleu of the Skillful Hand) Irish - Lugh Lamhada (Lugh of the Long Arm) 

In Spain  - Lugo, Galicia, Spain worshipped by shoemakers 

Lugos is worshipped and there are name of towns after him through out Spain, Britain, Gallo Rome, France, scotland, Wales and Ireland. He is the God that is helpful to humans. He is a craftsman and great warrior. 

Julius Caesar wrote about Lugos comparing him  to Mercury/Hermes in his book De Bello Gallico where he identified six of the Gaul/Celtic Gods. 

Sacred sights - High places, including Montmartre, the Puy - De Dome and the Mont de Sene. 

Rosemerta - Gallo- Roman goddess of fertility and abundance. In Gaul she was often depicted with the Roman God Mercury/Hermes as her consort. There are carvings through out Europe of this divine couple  - Interesting how the Romans absorbed many of the Euro Gallo Gods. 

She is also found independently, carrying a basket and cornucopia. 

Rosmerta is a Gaulish name  - ro-smert -s Smert means provider or carer. Ro means - very, great or most - the Great Provider

Taranis - (Thor, Zues/Jupiter,) is the God of Thunder, worshipped in Gaul, Hispanic, Britain and Ireland, Rhineland and Danube regions.  Taranis holds a thunderbolt and a chariot wheel. 

He is a sky god, the chariot wheel is sacred to him, having four spokes or sun crosses. 

Welsh Deities -  

Branwon Ferch LLr -  

Ceridwen - Welsh Goddess of poetic inspiration, rebirth, tranformation. She possesses the cauldron of inspiration named Awen. She swallows her servant Gwen Bach who is reborn through as the poet Taliesin. 

Her name means ‘blessed woman’. 

 According to the late medieval[8] Tale of Taliesin, included in some modern editions of the Mabinogion, Ceridwen's son, Morfran (also called Afagddu), was hideously ugly – particularly compared with his beautiful sister Creirwy – so Ceridwen sought to make him wise in compensation. She made a potion in her magical cauldron to grant the gift of wisdom and poetic inspiration, also called Awen.

The mixture had to be boiled for a year and a day. She set Morda, a blind man, to tend the fire beneath the cauldron, while Gwion Bach, a young boy, stirred the concoction. The first three drops of liquid from this potion gave wisdom; the rest was a fatal poison. Three hot drops spilled onto Gwion's thumb as he stirred, burning him. He instinctively put his thumb in his mouth, and gained the wisdom and knowledge Ceridwen had intended for her son. Realising that Ceridwen would be angry, Gwion fled. Ceridwen chased him. Using the powers of the potion he turned himself into a hare. She became a greyhound. He became a fish and jumped into a river. She transformed into an otter. He turned into a bird; she became a hawk. Finally, he turned into a single grain of corn. She then became a hen and, being a goddess (or enchantress, depending on the version of the tale), she found and ate him without trouble. But because of the potion he was not destroyed. When Ceridwen became pregnant, she knew it was Gwion and resolved to kill the child when he was born. However, when he was born, he was so beautiful that she could not do it. She threw him in the ocean instead, sewing him inside a leather-skin bag (or set him in a coracle, depending on the story). The child did not die, but was rescued on a Welsh shore – near Aberdyfi according to most versions of the tale – by a prince named Elffin ap Gwyddno; the reborn infant grew to become the legendary bard Taliesin. - wikipedia

Taliesin - 6th century Welsh Bard - there is a book of his poetry and adventures written in the 13th century. Remember the Druids didn’t write anything, everything was passed down orally. The book was written 700 years after Taliesin lived. 

LLyr - God of the Sea - Father of Manannan mac Lir - Irish God of the Sea 

He is also father of Bran, Branwen and Manawydan

Myrddin  - Merlin - prophetic poetry,  - the Black book of Carmarthen & The Red Book of Hergest. 

He went insane after Gwenddolau fab Cede died during the battle of Arfderydd in 573. In his madness he received the gift of prophesy wihile living  like a wild man. Myrddin was linked with Taliesin in the early poem - Ymddiddan Myrddin a Thaliesin. 

This is not the Merlin from the Arthurian legends. 

Rhiannon - (Divine Queen) Epona,  

Rhiannon is often depicted as riding her horse at an easy pace always staying away from those who chasing her. 

Rhiannon and her son the hero Pryderi, they are often depicted as mare and foal. Pryderi is taken from her at birth. Her husband Pwyll, punishes her for the loss of their son. Rhiannon trains a bird to take a message to her brother to help her from her punishment. Her son is brought back to her by a couple who found her son.   


Reference - Uncovering Celtic Mythology - Lucas Russo

Enjoy your week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 


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