Ancient Civilization - Tuatha de Danann

After the Annunaki arrived on Earth, their slaves the Egiki  - their slaves revolted. The Annunaki wiped them out as a species here on earth and started to create a species they could use as slaves. 

After creating many creatures they created the perfect being to be their slaves - Humans. This is where our legendary creatures come from. 

The Annunaki spread through our Earth, creating their own colonies looking for gold. The gold was for their home planet to help with climate change. This is why ‘Eden’ or heavenly gardens are a part of every culture. There is also pictographs around the world of ‘spacemen’ and their ‘spaceships’.

In each area of settlement we will find a pantheon of ‘gods, goddesses and their creatures’. If we look closely at the pantheons we see these creator gods and goddesses are very much human like, human emotions, tyrannical, helpful, compassionate etc. 

Tuatha De Danann

 - Folk of the Goddess Danu -  also known as Truth De - Tribe of the Gods 

The folklore for the Tuarth De Danann has been Christianized as these tribes passed their history through storytelling. There are no primary sources for the Tuatha de Danann. The stories were told to Christian Priests, it took me a couple of weeks to clarify some of the stories, because there are many varieties. I have left references below for you to check out and enjoy. 

The Christian Priests made up stories of the Tuatha De Danann being Angels who fell, Angels who wanted to remain neutral and help humans, demons. 

The story of the arrival of the Tuatha de Danann  is always by ships, they come out of the mist, the ships fly from the north to Ireland. The Tuatha De Danann take the ships apart and announce they have arrived and wish to help the people of Ireland. 

The Irish describe these beings as shiny, supernatural beings who could shapeshift, use elemental magic and weather control, knowledgable, could also die, not easily, immortal. 

The Tuatha De Danann fought three wars The First Battle of Math Tulreadh on the West coast of Ireland. Their second battle of Math Tuireadh against the Famorians, The third battle was fought against the Milesians,(humans) from the north west of the Iberian Peninsula - Galacia and N. Portugal. This is the battle that sent the Tuath de Danann to the otherworld/ Summerland. This became their home or realm - Tir Na Nog  - the best of the otherworlds.  

The Tuatha de Danann brought four magical treasures with them to Ireland and one a piece for there four cities, Dagda’s Cauldron, The Spear of Lugh, Lia Fail (the stone of Fal) , Claiomh Solais (Sword of Light) 

Danu, Anu, Anann, Anand - Mother Goddess - She is also known as the war goddess Morrigan or More Rioghain (Phantom Queen)  She is the consort of the Dagda, leader of the mythological Tuatha de Danann in Irelands hero tales. 

Dagda - Good God - Eochaid Ollathair  -  Fertility God, he loved food and sex.  He is associated with fertility, agriculture, manliness, strength and magic, druidry and wisdom. (Odin, Gaul - Sucellos, Roman - Dis Pater) 

He can control weather, crops, time and the seasons. He also can control life and death. He possessed a cauldron that was never empty and a club/staff that could kill men and restore them to life.  

Staff/Club - lorg mor or mor anfaid  - of dual nature - on end can kill and the other can bring life. 

Cauldron - coire ansic -  which is always full

Harp - Uaithne - when played can control emotion and change the seasons. 

He dwells in Newgrange - every year when the winter solstice happens you can see his sun beam through the mound. 

He is the husband to Morrigan and Boann, his lover. His children include Aengus, Brigit,Bobd Derg, Cermait, Aed and Midir. 

He is described as the god of the heathens, for the Tuatha De Danann worshipped him for he was an earth god to them because of his greatness of his magical power.  - Coir Anmann (Fitness of Names) 

Morrigan or Morrigu (sometimes referred to as the Morrigan) translation - great queen or phantom queen -  Goddess of War, she can shift into the form of a  crow or raven. She is active on the Tuatha de Danann at the battles of Math Tuireadh (Moytura), she is seen as a manifestation of the Earth and sovereignty- goddess - guardian of the territory and its people. 

Morrigan is associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death, or victory in battle. She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies. The Morrigan encourages warriors to do brave deeds, strikes fear into he enemies. She is portrayed washing the bloodstained clothes of those fated to die. 

She is associated with the banshee.

Brigit or Brigid - the Goddess of poetry, crafts, prophecy, domesticated animalsand divination. She is the equivalent of Minerva or Athena and Brigantia, Brittish. She is one of the daughters of the Dagda and Bres, all named Brigit. Her sisters are associated with healing and the craft if the smith. 

Her day is February 1/2 Imbolc - marks the beginning of spring.

She is so popular the Christians made her a saint, because the Irish would not stop asking for her favor in healing. She is associated with healing wells - Kildare

Brigit is associated with Sacred flames as Vesta - Roman/Hestia - Greek. Keeping the flames of the home constantly lit.  

Ethlinn - Ethniu or Eithne Daughter of the Fomorian Balor - the Evil Eye,  - She was kept away in a crystal tower because of a prophesy - her son would kill his grandfather.  She is the mother of Lugh

Manannan Mac Lir  - Son of the Sea  - Irish Neptune - He drives a chariot over the waves and he can change his shape to a heron. He is a great lover of women and often visits them driving his chariot. He is always a handsome warrior , he  has a self propelled ship called Wave-Sweeper, carries a strength sapping sword named Fragarach, and he rides a horse Aonbharr which can run over water as well as land.    He lives with his wife And in Tis Tairnigiri (The land of Promise - a country beyond the waves. 

He is guardian of the other world and king of the surviving Tuatha de Danann after the advent of humans(Milesians). He uses his cloak of mist to hide the otherworld and any other sidh dwellings. 

The isle of Man is named for him.

Oisin - Son of Fionn Mac Cumhail and Sadb - who was a her for a time. His name signifies Fawn. He marries a fair haired stranger named Eibhir  He is part of the Fianna -  - a supernatural legendary band of warrior led by Fionn MacCumhail and said to date back to 300BC


Reference - Uncovering Celtic Mythology - Lucas Russo

Mythical Ireland - YouTube Channel 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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