Stone Henge, England & Preseli Mountains, Wales

StoneHenge, Wiltshire - England 

Preseli Mountains, North Pembrookshire Wales

There are many henges in England, Wales and Ireland marking burial places and other sacred sites.  There are two other henges made of wood close by Stonehenge. 

Recently scientists and archeologists have come to the conclusion that the Preseli Bluestones at StoneHenge were part of a henge in Preseli Wales. They were brought over to Wiltshire during a migration of neolithic people. The bluestone were moved on wooden sleighs across well trodden paths to the place they are now. This was done to honor their beliefs and ancestors. 

What these sites offer you - 

Attunes you to the sacred power of mother Earth. 

Opportunity to sit in the womb of time

Personal or planetary healing

reconnection to ancestors

expanded awareness

knowledge of past wisdom and skills

insight into your purpose

An opportunity to offer service to the earth

While our scientists and archeologist were learning about these sites they hypothisized on how the stones were moved and why. Why did our ancestors move the henge to the place they did and what was done there?  They learn how to make rope as the ancients did and since  the wheel hadn’t been invented they had to think like our ancestors in order to figure out how to move the stones as the stone weight up to 3 tons and more. 

‘Archeologists are aware that rocks from natural places that were venerated were circulated over considerable distances in the neolithic era of prehistory. The ‘pieces of place’ were, in effect charges with the sanctity of mana. of their homeland, much as the bones of saints that were circulated and venerated during the Mideivil Times were thought to posses magical and healing properties.’ S.P.A.C.E.S. ‘A Stone of Age Holy Land’ www,

The Stones at Stonehenge originate from Carn Menyn. Compasses go crazy in the area and the 110 HZ primary sound band from the stones has very powerful effects on the human brain, producing powerful trance states. The town nearby is named Maenclochog which means - clamorous stones. 

Can Menyn itself is a powerful healing site. People have been going there for 8000 years. The mixture of the stones minerals in the water springs there has made the site a healing sites. There are more than 300 eliptical stone circles, with astronomical alignments, along with graves, cairns, prehistoric rock art, sightline, and healing springs. 

Mythology, Legends and Lore

In the Preselli Mountains is a gateway to the underworld. This place is associated with Merlin and the druids. 

The people of Pembrookshire say the Bluestones and the springs around their base posses healing qualities. Magic mushrooms are gathered by those who wish to experience ancestral and spiritual visions. 


Natural parallel chalk depressions running across the chalk surface of the land are exactly aligned to the midwinter sunrise. Postholes aligned east west suggest that huge wooden poles were erected there, marking the spring and autumn equinoxes. 

For a thousand years before the stones were erected at the site, a wooden temple marked this spot. Over 2000 years, it slowly evolved into the huge trilithon dominated circle we see today. 

Around 3000BCE a ditch and henge were constructed, along with the Aubry holes that mapped the lunar cycle. Evidence is emerging the blue stones were erected in these holes. At this time the two parallel were aligned with the mid summer solstice sunrise. A thousand years later the bluestone were realigned to the summer solstice. The famous lintel linked Sarcen stone circle was the last to be completed and the bluestones were relocated to the center. 

The neolithic people who built Stonehenge are from the Preselli mountains, in Wales

Mythology, Legends and Lore

Merlin flew the stones in from Ireland - Geoffrey of Monmouth Historia Regium Britanniae 

He talks about making crystal essences from the stones in his book for healing purposes. 

Stonehenge is the home of the Druids


Neolithic people recognized the cycles of the seasons, Sun, Moon and planetary movement. They had their own cosmology they worked with. Before the Henge was build a mound of a six feet was built to use as a stone age planetarium. 

The most famous astronomical alignment at Stonehenge is the midsummer sunrise over the Heelstone creating a shaft of light that penetrates the huge trilithon circle. 

At the allied site Woodhenge at Darrington walls was aligned to midwinter sunrise. Archeological evidence suggests feasting and ceremony occurred here in the dead of winter where ashes and bones of the deceased were gathered and sent down the river to the land of their ancestors. 

The two henges show physical tradition from wooden henges at Darrinton Walls to Stonehenge. 

Ceremonies for the welcoming of the light and new life were being celebrated during the summer and the death ceremonies being performed during the winter. 


Archeoacoustics is a study in it infancy. it is the study of acuostics from history.  Let’s go back to the Preseli Mountains in Wales where the Blue stones come from. When the wind blows through the sites where the stones are, there is a sound that is made that can raise you up to trance. 

Now if you beat on one of the Bluestones that has been hollowed our you get a different sound that affects you even more. 

Perhaps these Bluestones were set at Stonehenge to carry on with their ceremonies the way the neolithic people did before they migrated, the sound of the stones when the wind blew, or the they were beat on in certain areas made tones and noises too. Also stones carry memories of the past, perhaps our ancestors new this and wanted to bring their sound and memories with them when they moved. 

Preseli Bluestone or Spotted Dolomite

Preseli Bluestone is found in Preseli in Pembrokshire, and a small outcropping in Ireland. 

Preseli Bluestone helps you connect with Earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic and Druidic people. Preseli Bluestone has a strong connection with the electrical impulses produced by the human body, and has a particularly strong connection with the heart. Bluestone clears the heart centre, and strengthens the electrical workings of the heart.

The stone is high in paramagnetic resonance (Paramagnetic materials are materials that tend to get weakly magnetized in the direction of the magnetizing field when placed in a magnetic field.)  It is a blue stone with white spots.  The stone is a conglomerate of different stones - rhyolite jasper, garnet, zircon are part of the Bluestones. 

Plugging the Bluestone into the chalk plains of Salisbury creates a very powerful battery that amplifies natural Earth currents on the plain and in the water that flows beneath the circle in a spiral formation. 

Rhyolite -  Perceived as a balancing stone, rhyolite is often recommended to increase self-esteem, self-worth while helping to bring resolution to issues. It is stone that is thought to facilitate change, variety and progress while helping to deal calmly with challenges.

Garnet - In the place of these negative forces, the garnet's zodiac position in astrology is thought to bestow fame, wealth, and recognition while increasing self-confidence and ambition.

zircon - great healing energy that can promote balance between a person's physical, emotional and spiritual selves. The gem is believed to help keep people grounded and to promote intuitive and psychic abilities, so it is frequently used during meditation.

References - 

Crystals & Sacred Sites - Judy Hall

Crystals - Jennie Harding 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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