
Numerology is a fun hobby for me. 

During December 2022, I focused on 2023, my question - what will the year be like. 

2+0+2+3 = 7 - Spirituality and Intuition. 

This is a great year for expansion on all levels, setting and resetting boundaries and deciding who and what you are going to keep and what you are going to release. This is the year that you will have the opportunity to see who you are and what come from you! So awesome right? I am excited! 

There is an awesome energy wave building right now. This wave will continue to build until mid-May, it will hold high until mid-June and continue to build until end of summer.  What does that mean? It means if you are intending or creating a project this is the time to get busy with it. This is the time to create those intentions and match the energy of those intentions. Make the shift and really feel what you are creating. 

My birthdate or destiny number is - 11/06/1965 = 29 2+9 = 11.
11 is my destiny number, it is the lesson from this lifetime and others working toward mastery. 
What is your birthday or destiny number? Add them up and see if it resonates with you! 

Here are short descriptions of the master numbers as I was taught many years ago. 11,22,33 are the master numbers, the other numbers can be use as guideposts in your life. Have you been seeing number sequences? What are they? Are they corresponding to what you are creating during this time in your life? 

11 - Seeing everyone as your equal. Having the ability to connect with to a higher source of wisdom. Confident in using your Intuitive, psychic, healing gifts and encourage others to live for their better good. 

22 - Divine architecture - building your foundation and the structure in which you live your life from your soul.  Achievers of great foundations. Most powerful number of all - Great ideas, builders and creators.

33 - master teacher - Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Einstein, great examples, people are attracted to them, they are loved. Great teachers assist with change in the world.

It is the most heart felt, spiritually evolved individuals. 

44 -  Go big! Great manifester. Everything is huge with the 44. These people can say or think about what they want - they will create it and support you in your creation. They always trust their intuition. 

55 - Free Spirited adventurers. These are the people who are our adventurers and are always discovering new and wondrous things. Example - Archeologist - they are on the move and they are always in the act of discovery. 

66 -  Seeing the oneness of your being - harmonizing on all levels within the being and without - they are great influencers of tranquility, peace and harmony. Is your home where your heart is? Are you able to communicate through you? 

77 -  Lucky number, be open to receive abundance and prosperity, connecting to your inner wisdom and the expression of that wisdom. Spirit Pictures - 

88 - karma - infinite balance -  example - being inclusive  

99 - Total Completion of a cycle - Karmic number - being in service - spiritual, mental, physical, emotional -  focused work on ascension

I created a Numerology playlist on YouTube for more number sequences. I am adding it to this blog for you to peruse and ponder! Numerology is fun and can help you on your path! 

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of lOVE! 

Auriel Grace


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