Reiki & Deeksha



History - Through out time humans have searched for a way to understand and end suffering on the planet. 

Mikao Usui  encouraged by his students travelled around the world to figure out how Jesus healed people. When he discovered from a Sanskrit text how the healing was done he decided he needed to master it. 


Dr. Usui went for three weeks period of meditation and prayer on Mt. Koriyama in Japan. He chose his meditation site and piled 21 stones in front of him to mark the days. 

Before dawn on the last day of meditation Dr. Usui saw a brilliant ray of light coming toward him, recognizing this was information coming from the Creator he allowed the information to flow through his 3rd Eye Chakra. Through the information he received the symbols for Reiki, what the symbols meant and how to apply the symbols. This was the very first ‘Reiki’ attunement. 

All Ascended Masters teach us how we can assist our fellow human release their burdens. They teach through the energy of love we can assist with healing, starting with ourselves. The first Reiki Attunement is all about you! 

When you receive the first attunement you will find that healing universal life force energy runs through you with ease. There is a nice flow. During this time you have the ability to work on healing yourself. You learn about hand placements for self sessions. 

With each attunement whatever is in your energy that needs to be cleared will come up to be healed and cleared. You will find that your resonance is higher and it is easier for you to be in the universal flow. 

Children can receive Reiki I attunement and is good for them to understand how to use their energy. 

The Second Attunement opens your energy upper more of the healing Universal life force. With this attunement you learn how to do distance healing. You are more able to do healing on others including animals. 

You will also be doing release work during this time. Clearing out old stuff no longer serving in the present moment so you have the ability to accept more of the Universal life force energy. Now you can heal yourself and others in person and distance work. 

When I do readings, I also am opening a reiki session for my clients. That way we can focus on resolving issues, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. 

The third attunement brings you into a place of mastering your ability to heal. It assists with a wonderful flow of Universal life force. You will feel the energy consistently flowing through you and when you do your sessions you will really feel and see the difference in your ability. 

For example - if i am out and about - I might feel my hands tingling - I will open my hands and allow the energy to flow where it needs to go. 

The forth attunement is for those of you who want to teach Reiki. For this attuneent you receive all last symbol and are taught how to give an attunement and teach other how to teach and give attunements. 

It is recommended for Reiki attunements to be done 21 day a part. I recommend more time. Do not rush yourself during this time. Really practice, memorize the symbols and the hand placements. Research the chakras and how they affect us mentally physically, mentally and emotionally. Buy an anatomy book and read it. Understand how the body works. 

Risko’s Fever - My son received his first Reiki Attunement when he was five years old after having a fever for three days. The day after his attunement his fever had broke, and he was back to his wild boy self.

Star’s eye sight restored - Star was bind in one eye and was having seizures. After two months of receiving reiki sessions weekly her eyesight was restored and she stopped having seizures. 

End of Life Attunements - When a person is ready to transition, I give a Reiki attunement to help them leave the planet with ease and grace. 

Deeksha - What is it? 

Deeksha blessing is the transfer of divine energy. Through the Deeksha blessings it is easier for us to remain present, it assists with us with creating unity within our lives. We learn to look within to our inner wisdom and good guidance. Deeksha allows us to re-attune to the higher consciousness and oneness with the divine.

What Deeksha did for me - big blessing - Deeksha assisted me with releasing anger and frustration during a time of extreme stress and I was able to move forward with more grace. 

Meditations - Chakra Meditation, Centering & Balancing Meditation, Ancestor Clearing Meditation

Essential Reiki By Diane Stein

Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 
Auriel Grace

In April I am offering Reiki 1 Attunement and workshop - Distance for $150.00 to book for this appointment - Give yourself 3hrs. I will email you your certificate and Notes. Go to my website to join my news letter so you will be reminded to book your appointment. 


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