
There are very vague references to numerology through out history, however I have yet to find out where and when numerology came into existence. 

Numerology, can however assist you with figuring out lessons you are learning and lessons you are mastering.  It is easy to work a numerology chart, here is what one looks like - 

Here is an example - 

A U R I E L  - First name is your growth vibration - 

1 3 9 9 5 3 = 30 = 3

Add the numbers, break down the total = 3

3 is the number for Creativity and Being Noticed. 

For a full Numerology Read for yourself pull the numbers for your full name, add the total numbers of each name together and you will have your big session you wanted to learn in this lifetime - 

A U R I E L  G R A C E  -  Full name Destiny

1 3 9 9 5 3     7  9 1 3  5 

     30 = 3          25 = 7        

          3+7=10 = 1 - Leadership

Birth date - Life Path - 

Month - 1+1=2 

 Date - 6

 Year - 1+9+6+5 = 21 = 3

total - 2 + 6 + 3 = 11 = 2 - Harmony 

Here are basic descriptions of the vibration for each number - 

1 = Leadership

2 = Harmony

3 = Creativity & Being Noticed

4 = Relationships

5 = Freedom, Fearless

6 = Domestication, Family, Home

7 = Spirituality/ Intuition

8 = Power, Money

9 = Transformation, Completion

I am not including master numbers on this blog. I will write another blog with examples of master numbers and descriptions. This blog gives you and idea on how to figure your numbers and consider what they have to tell you! Numerology is fun and can assist you along your path! 

You can check out these videos covering Numerology  - A Gang of Girls Radio 

A Gang of Girls Radio - Numerology 

I hope you enjoy figuring out your numbers and it gives you upliftment and courage!

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!



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