
This has been a time for personal introspection. Many of you have asked for advice about the changes you have wanted for a while. I am very grateful to have helped you look deep, release your fears and learn how courageous you truly are! So wondrous! I encourage you to continue making your dreams come true.

For those of you who are stumped on what to do next, look deep within you and ask yourself - What is for my highest good? What can I do to help myself for my highest and greatest good? Start taking steps to that idea. All of my life people have told me I will never make it with my chosen career, yet here I am and doing very well. If I can do that so can you. I know it, no matter what is going on in the world. 

When I am introspective, I look at what I want to accomplish and then strategize on how to accomplish it. Although we can't move around as we used to there is plenty of information available to us through the internet. I look at research as solving a mystery to solve. 

I am still bummed I wasn't able to travel and meet clients, sell books and product I have stored. I instead have been working on writing books and A Gang of Girls Radio Facebook live events. Working on these two projects has helped me get through this pandemic without being too frustrated. 

Having the ability to use skype and Facetime has always been a blessing when caring for my clients. 

So here is my psychic tip, clear your fears around change, change is inevitable. If we can look at our situations standing outside of ourselves and see what we can change about ourselves to create a new dream or a dream that has been buried deep, why not do it?

Many of you have said to me - What will people think of me doing something different?

Does it matter ultimately? 

No, it doesn't. For those people who truly care for you they will support you in their efforts. They may show concern, and that's okay. 

Strengthen your core, here is your opportunity to expand and grow in a new way. Do you love yourself enough to make it happen? 

So if you are on unemployment right and are wavering back and forth because you know deep in your heart you will not be going back to your old job, explore instead what you can be doing. This at least will give you information that will assist you with making that decision, instead of worrying. 

Worrying, fear, anger frustration will hold you in place. There is no movement there. But if you shift over into curiosity, resolve and creativity that will propel you to your next step. 

Take the step, fill your self up with Light, ready, set, go!!!!!

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!


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