Getting Through or Living Life?

The past couple of months has been the wildest and craziest! I am grateful for what came out of the craziness and I look forward to some peace.

How have the last couple of months been for you?

I have spoke about manifesting for your highest good and believe me we have manifested ourselves silly. 

I have given you information about the eclipses and how they will be eclipsing out of your life what does not serve you. 

That has been my experience since August. Todd and I were intending for a place to live that we could afford to live in with ease and grace. The Universe responded. She gave us the place we moved too now. The Universe also said - Auriel, how much do you want this place?

I answered the Universe with a loud 'Yes!'

Then was the hardest part of all moving from an apartment three stories up. Moving furniture, boxes, all of our possessions. Thank goodness for Bill, Tonia and Logan! They really helped us out!

Here we are in a very cozy duplex in Clearwater, for half as much as we were paying previously. We are relieved! 

Many ideas of how things should be have been broken and new thoughts and ideas of how things 'can be' are coming in.  Old ideas are being renewed in different ways and coming back into play as we move forward and it is exciting. 

During this time I kept telling myself - I just have to get through August. Then I told myself I just have to get through September. I didn't stop, I just kept going, no matter how I felt. 'I just gotta get through this.' 

Then as I sat quietly, taking my first steps to meditate last week, I felt myself go back into - I just gotta get through this . . .

I paused and looked at what I was saying to myself. When I did that I saw all the times I did that to myself. My new thought is - I am living life. I am going to be present and momentous. 

How many times have you done that to yourself - I just gotta get through this? Not paying attention to anything else but 'getting through' your day, the hour, the year, your life?

I am consciously letting go of the idea of 'I just have to get through this . . .' It caused me stress because I was not present in my life. 

There is a definite difference between intention, manifestation and willing something into existence. 

On this full moon night create your goals and intentions and let it go out into the ethers so you can watch in wonder as you manifest your life with ease and grace. 

Be Present, in your body and enjoy your life, no matter the circumstances. 

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of Love!

Auriel Grace
A Gang of Girls Inc.  


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