Book Review: “I Am Psychic Not Telepathic” by Auriel Grace

Book Review: “I Am Psychic Not Telepathic” by Auriel Grace

I was lucky enough to get to read an advanced copy of Auriel Grace's new book "I am Psychic Not Telepathic" and I have got to say that if there is a book I would recommend to anyone who is even slightly interested in psychic abilities or would like to experiment with their own abilities, this would be the one. 

The book begins with Auriel giving some background on herself and her abilities. We get to learn about one of her early experiences with being psychic as well as her journey to where she currently is in her life.  From there we get to learn about intuition, crystals, spirit guides, angels, and ways to help improve some skills. 

One thing I really liked about "I am Psychic Not Telepathic" is how Auriel talks about how some people assume that a psychic can know what people are thinking. She explains what psychics are and that they don't read minds. She even goes into the different type of "Clair's" that people can have. Clairalience, Clairvoyance, and Caliraudience just to name a few. She explains each of the experiences that people can have and even gives some examples of things that some people may not realize are actually intuition coming into play. And each chapter ends with an assignment, which helps you to begin developing or improving your abilities. You learn how to protect yourself from energy vampires, contact your spirit guides, and even making your home your sanctuary.                                                                                            

One chapter of the book gives some guidance to families which may have children who are showing psychic abilities or may even know their children are psychics. She gives advice to parents so they can help their children develop and handle their abilities. Included in this chapter and a few others is one thing I have actually starting using myself, The Egg, which is a way to protect yourself and your family from unwelcome energies. The Egg basically is a way to put a protective shield around yourself. And since reading this chapter, I actually have experienced how well this works. I have frequent interactions with a very negative person who when I am away from them, I could always feel myself stress and frustrated. After reading the book and especially the chapter on Energy Vampires, I started using The Egg and have noticed a big difference when I have to deal with this person. 

Another section of the book that really got my mind thinking is the section about being present in your life. And that by being present in your life, you will notice things that you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't present. The little nudges to the subconscious that if you listen to them, will help you in your life such as maybe heading down a certain road or not doing something that you are planning to do. I find myself always thinking into the future throughout my day. Planning what I am going to do when I get home while I am work. Thinking about what I need to do tomorrow when home in the evening. I realized while reading through the chapter that I spend a great deal of time not being in the present and enjoying the moment as it is happening. How many little nudges have I missed? 

This book is a must for anyone who want so improve their life or the lives of their children. Get on Amazon now and get your copy and start to "Be courageous, be wondrous, be YOU!"

Beverly A. Rearick
Executive Producer
Haunted Voices Radio
Haunted Voices Magazine


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