Cosmic tip of the Day - Venus

We, Venus are writing today to remind you to be aware of decisions you make during this time. Are the decisions being made from your heart with honesty and integrity? 

This is the time to recognize and release your fears. making a decision through fear is liken to Mercury in Retrograde - it will bounce back to you over and over again to clear out the fear(s). If you are in fear of making a decision, do not do anything. Set it aside until you can make the decision clearly and intelligently.  

Look to your life presently and identify what you love and admire and move like the current of a river with that energy. Give yourself permission to be an individual, your own person. 

We ask you to get out into nature or into a place that will inspire you. Admiration of beauty will  assist you with expansion of your heart and soul.

We are hearing many intentions or prayers for romantic love - we advise you to understand 'romance' on a personal level before you have a romantic relationship with another. Romance is about admiration of beauty, it is elegance, individuality and more. 

How do you love yourself? Are you comfortable with the answer? Perhaps it is time to love, honor, understand and know yourself. 

There are many on this planet and off planet as well who can give you good guidance, wisdom and strategy, love yourself enough to be open and willing to receive this guidance. 

Venus, Primordial Goddess of the Energy of Love and Beauty


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