Love & Love Mantra

 'Limerence means having an intense longing for another person even when they don't fully reciprocate. The limerent person struggles to think about anything else but their “crush” and neglects their social life, work, and other responsibilities as a result.' Google 

Unrequited love is love that is not reciprocated by the person who is the object of the admirer's affection. It can also be called one-sided love. 

What causes unrequited love? 

Lack of experience, such as emotional, physical, or romantic experience

A negative past experience

Having no one to compare the desired person to

What are the effects of unrequited love? 

Deep heartbreak

Feelings of rejection

Questioning your self-worth

Wondering if you will ever feel loved




Feeling unworthy

Disappointment is caused by unmet expectations.  When expectations don't match reality, we can feel disappointment. 

How can you deal with unrequited love, heartbreak, disappointment? 

Release and Heart energy sessions  -  Reiki Sessions, Soul Retrieval for those who came into this life with a broken heart.

You can help yourself doing these exercises  - 

Connect to your heart chakra and breathe light into it with the intention of clearing your heart break. 

Remember to forgive - 

I love you

I bless you

I forgive you I thank you

I release you

Remember to push that heartbreak energy out into the ethers.

Loneliness is a state of mind, not present in the heart. You may be alone, by yourself, be okay with that. Being alone doesn’t equal loneliness. 

What is Love? Love is balance, love flourishes and enriches your life. 

Love is patient

Love is Kind

Love does not boast

Love is not proud

Love is not Rude

Love is not selfish

Love is not easily angered

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil

Love rejoices in truth

Love always protects

Love always trusts

Love always hopes

Love always preserves 

Love never fails

Corinthians 13: 4-8 

Think about what I have read to you. Think about your life. 

Those verses talk about unconditional love for your spouse, family, friends etc. Are you ready to change your frequency, your resonance, amp it up and discover what love means to you and follow that path for yourself?  

Once you start on the path of Love, instead of chasing love down, you will attract love to you.  When love is wholesome and true, you don’t have to wonder about it.  Instead you find it wonderful. 

I have spoke about soulmates in other videos so I will keep this simple. Your soulmates are those who you feel connected too. If you see everyone as your soulmate you will never be disappointed. 

Love Mantra  take a deep breath, connect to your heart chakra, for one minute repeat - Love, Love, I am Love

How do you feel? 

Try sitting quietly everyday to practice the Love Mantra. The first week 3 minutes a day. The second week move up to 5 minutes a day. The third week move up to 7 minutes a day and the fourth week move up to 10 minutes a day. Keep track of how you feel after each week. Keep going everyday with 10 minutes practicing the Love Mantra everyday. It will help you stay in the frequency of LOVE!

Have an awesome week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 

Auriel Grace 


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