Heart Chakra
You have asked me how do I know where to start when I am working with you energetically during a reading. I start by checking your chakras and anything blocking my seeing the chakras.
Chakras can give big insight on how a person is doing energetically. By clearing the chakras, you are able to come back to center, ground yourself and be more comfortable in your physical body.
Generally a chakra is bright in their color, moving at a comfortable speed for you. Not all of your chakras will be spinning at the same rate. You don’t want them to spin at the same rate, they are in different areas and this can cause imbalance. They are about 2-3 inches in diameter and they are a tube – there are openings front and back.
I encourage you to focus on your chakras and feel how they are connected to your physical body. For example if you focus on your heart chakra and the speed in which it is spinning, feel how that feels in your body, now try to speed up the heart chakra a little bit and feel your body. Your heart beat has picked up, if you go too far you will start to sweat, will have to take deep breaths to focus and slow the Heart chakra down to a comfortable speed.
Let’s quickly go through all of the chakras as a review - place picture here
Root Chakra – Base of spine, Red, pelvic floor, lumbar spine, kidneys, bladder, colon, bone skeletal system and teeth, Adrenal, prostrate
Challenge - Fear
Sacral Chakra – two fingers below Belly button – Orange – pelvic region, reproductive organs, kidney, bladder, lymphatic system, ovaries and testes
Challenge – Guilt
Solar Plexus Chakra – Above the navel – Yellow Digestive System, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, metabolism adrenals, pancreas
Challenge – Shame
Heart Chakra – beneath the breastbone – Pink or Green – Hearts, lungs, diaphragm, arms, skin, hair, nails, immune system, upper body, muscular system, Thymus
Challenge – Grief
Throat Chakra – neck - sky blue – neck, cervical spine, shoulders, teeth gums, lips, tongue, ears, ear canal, jaw, thyroid, parathyroid
Challenge – Lies
Third Eye Chakra – between eyebrows – indigo – pineal gland, eyes, forehead brain
Challenge Illusion
Crown Chakra - crown of head – violet or white – pituitary or pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system
Challenge- Attachment
Heart Chakra – this chakra is Emerald Green or Pink. This is the Mediating center of the Chakras – Center for higher love and healing energies. You will feel comfortable with love, kindness, affection, compassionate, friendly, harmonious.
Element - Air
Auric Layer - Astral
Developmental Age - 21-28
Main Issues - Love & Relationships
Sense - Touch
Sense Organ - Skin
Work Organ - Hands
Under active – cold and distant
Over active – suffocating people with love, selfish reasons for love
Scents – geranium, bergamot, ylang ylang, jasmine, lavender
Stones – Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Malachite, Peridot, emerald, watermelon tourmaline, green tourmaline, jade - green or pink, rhodochrosite, ammonite, kunzite, moldavite
Tone - F
The heart chakra is located above the Solar Plexus, in the middle of your chest.
The heart Chakra is the seat of our sustenance. It is about universal love, it helps with how we feel about our relationships. When working with the heart chakra we start to understand unconditional love, the frequency of Love. We learn how to accept other as how they are, allowing them to grow and expand in their own time. We start to understand goodness, caring, kindness, making us better healers as we grow and expand.
Love teaches us to let go of expectations. Instead focusing on what we are creating through love, our heart chakra. We rise above our expectations through raising our resonance, how? By letting go of what does not serve us, our expectations in ourselves and others.
By healing our heart and maintaining a balanced heart chakra gives you the ability to overcome your fears and anxieties. With a balanced heart chakra, there is no room for fear.
This is the chakra that mediates energy from the lower chakras to the upper chakras. This chakra is involved with any healing work you give or receive. When the Heart chakra is healthy all the chakras respond and balance out.
Intention for the Heart Chakra - I intend and am so very grateful my Heart is opened and aligned with the energy of unconditional love.
Focus on your Heart Chakra and breathe Light into it, as you breathe Light into your Heart Chakra see your being filled with the energy of love. Watch as the energy fills up your energy field and feel the relief and gratitude of Unconditional Love. This is how You change the world through keeping your Heart Chakra opened and align with the energy of Love. How awesome is that?
Resource - Journey Through the Chakras - Dr. Ravi & Dr. Minoo Ratan
Have an awesome week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!
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