Every year in February, for over a decade, I have encouraged people to celebrate Love Month.
How do I do this?
I encourage you to send a ‘love story’ for me to read during A Spiritual Show during February. The ‘Love Stories’ in the past have been great, the stories are about pets, places, humans and objects. I like to share these stories because they give people Hope. The energy of Hope is very powerful and assists us with raising our resonance.
Why is it important to keep your resonance high?
When your resonance is high, the lower vibrations will not affect you. You will have the ability to move through your day with ease and grace. The more energy we put into being in the frequency of love, the more we shine and so does our environment.
We practice the Love Mantra - Love, Love, I am Love. We start with repeating the Love mantra the first week for 3 minutes a week, 5 minutes the second week, 7 minutes the third week and 10 minutes the fourth week. During the month I ask you to pay attention to how you feel during the month and to continue with your 10 minutes a day of practicing the Love Mantra. This mantra helps your heart chakra and a deeper understanding of the energy of Love.
This meditation will start your day with a clear heart and clear mind. Raising your resonance to the frequency of love.
Many of you have asked for more ease in your life. This is how you start, through love, kindness and compassion. How do you start, by forgiveness of self and others. Remember everyone is on their own path. We all learn by making mistakes, speaking out of turn, lack of care, being in fear and anxiety and more. Forgive yourself for this, take what you learned from these experiences and let the rest go.
Forgive others who have hurt you. The more you hang onto pain, the lower your vibe is going to be. If we let go of people, places or things, we will be grieving. Remember to allow yourself to feel your feelings. Do not hold them. Allow yourself to grieve your loss. Remember to ease you through this process is to say and mean it -
I love you
I bless you
I forgive you
I thank you
I release you
Remember to push the unwanted energy away from you as you are saying this to clear your energy field of residual energy. You will need to do this more than once.
Remember to set boundaries, you are not a doormat.
Do not allow others to use you and or take your energy.
By forgiving others you are not leaking energy. Instead you will maintain your energy and your resonance stays in the frequency of love.
One of my favorite things to do to keep my vibe up is doing things that make me happy.
What do you do that makes you truly happy? Do you do these things daily? Weekly? Monthly?
Your environment reflects your vibe - Remember to keep your environment how you like it. What makes you feel good. Check out Feng Shui to help you raise the vibe of your home. Look up Laurie Pawli on facebook to learn more about how to raise the vibe of your home.
Check out I am Psychic Not telepathic and clearing with Purpose books to help you with yourself and your home!
Remember roses are the scent of love. Your resonance will rise quickly by smelling them. Any type of quartz are positive energy stones. Try wearing pink or green stones as pendants to maintain a high vibe. Rose quartz and amethyst on your bedside table to good sleep and dreams. Rose spray on your sheets will assist your sleep as well.
There is and will be a lot of chaotic energy right now. Make sure to stay present and grounded. This will help you during this year. Keep your vibe high, it is a practice and it will serve you well in the days to come.
Have a great week! Stay safe and warm!
Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!
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