
Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things work out. 

What is the story you are telling yourself? Remember you are the author, leading man or lady of your life. 

While you create your resolutions for this year make sure you resonate with those resolutions. Are you matching the vibe of your resolutions? 

Always check to make sure these resolutions are your own. 

Write your resolutions down. Write them down as how you want them to unfold. Ask your guides and angels for help as you write. 

While writing them, how do you feel? Do you feel heart felt joy and determination?  Great this is where you need to be to help you accomplish your goals for the year!

Some of you have asked  me about losing weight. We will use this as an example as a resolution.  

Remember this is an example.  

A Better resolution is  - I am healthy, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

Visualize the way you want to look physically.  If you have a picture of yourself you like best use that to help you. 

For those of you who are or want to do physical exercise check out Work Out 4D on YouTube.

Diet is important, I love chocolate, cookies and Tasty Cakes - I eat them in moderation. 

Check out my Accountability Sessions to help you with being accountable for your journey. 


Remember a resolution has to resonate with you. You have to love it to make it happen. While creating a strategy for your resolutions there has to be  discipline/focus with each resolution you make. 

Don’t talk yourself out of your resolutions. When you find yourself doing this, take a breath, connect to your heart and repeat your resolution to raise your resonance.

Remember it takes three days to create a habit and twenty one days to break one. So while we recreate our lives we have to be patient and persistent with out growth and well being. By creating visualizations and feelings of elation of what our resolutions are we replace old habits not serving us with those that do. 

Many of you have been talking about raising your resonance. This is an example of how you can do this.  Ask for your guides and angels assistance with keeping your resonance up through meditation, admiring and or being in nature, being creative, having fun. 

I know it sounds simple, those are a ways I raise my resonance an am able to manifest what I need in my life. 

It is very important to keep your resonance up while creating your resolutions or intentions. Keeping your resonance up helps you follow your inner guidance or intuition. Maintaining high resonance keeps you present, it helps with clarity, so you can accomplish your resolutions. 

While you are thinking and strategizing you might find you need to give up thing(s), relationships and more in order to accomplish your goals. In order to make change think what you can release to accomplish your resolutions in a positive high vibe way. 

I understand we live in a world that is chaotic and we never know what can happen. We still have to care for ourselves, our well-being especially if we care for others. taking time to nurture ourselves is a great habit to create. 

Have a beautiful week!

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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