Flora, Roman Goddess of Spring


Flora, Roman Goddess of Spring 

While doing the research for Flora, I found out this is the time for her festival, Floralia or Flora Festival - April 28- May 1st establish around 250 B.C.  The Romans celebrated and worshipped Flora asking for fertile soil, wellbeing for their crops. They made garlands and wreaths of flowers as offerings to her. During Floralia, there were plays, music and lots of celebrating everything new. 

Titus Tatius who ruled with Romulus, according to tradition introduced Flora’s cult to Rome. Flora’s head, distinguished by the floral wreath, appeared on coins of the republic.

Flora is a goddess of fertility, humans and other beings, vegetation and flowering plants. 

There are some scholars who believe Floras origins come from an ancient Italian fertility goddess, Fluusa.  She is one of the most important goddesses of ancient Rome. Without food they would starve. 

Honey is her gift - Bees - Celebrate life, be creative in as many ways possible, fertility 

Her flowers are Roses 

All Flowers are made to reproduce, and the bees help with the creation of more flowers. We give flowers, even learning their virtues and creating bouquets to express how we feel to the recipient. We decorate our homes, businesses and communities with flowers. We leave offerings of flowers to our ancestors. 

Her Greek name is Khloris

Flora’s magnificent, temple was located near Circus Maximus which shows how important she was and is. A priest or Flamen was dedicated specifically to Flora. This is a great honor and of great importance.  The Circus Maximus is the place where the chariot races and other important events took place in Rome. Circus Maximus was a very important community place. https://www.worldhistory.org/Circus_Maximus/


Flora was a beautiful nymph, living in the fields of Elysium, the homes of the blessed, paradise where the heroes of the gods lived everlasting life. 

When the god Favonius (Zephyros) the West Wind saw her, he loved her. When Favonius (Zephyros) kissed her, she became a goddess. Flora is the mother of Karpos - god of Fruit. 

Zephyros dowry to Flora is her garden, which represents the gardens and fields of the earth. All flowering plants and vegetation grows in her garden. She knows the names and virtues for all the plants in her garden.  She is helpful with bringing you to what is good for your health and wellbeing. Flora can help you with growing your garden wherever you live and give you guidance on what plants suit you and the soil. She can help you take care of your soil organically. 

Flora & the Birth of Mar/Ares 

Minerva (Athena) was born through Jove (Zeus) without the aid of Juno (Hera), her feelings were hurt. She worried Jove would not need her to create life. Juno wanted to create life on her own too. 

Flora saw that Juno was unhappy and asked her what was wrong. When Flora understood what Juno wanted she directed Juno to a flower growing in the fields of Olenus. Flora told Juno the flower would make all living beings fertile to the touch. Example - Touch a cow and a calf would be born. When Flora gives Juno the flowers she conceived Mars/Aries. 

Mars/Ares gave Flora a place in ‘Romulus’ City. Which is Rome.  

References - 




Have a wonderful week! Remember, keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace


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