Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith
You do not have to elaborate, leave offerings or anything like that as the Angels were created to assist our Creator and us Humans, Be polite, say thank you.
Archeia are the divine feminine Archangels. Most of the archeia are compliments for Archangels.
Remember not to humanize Angels. They are Angels, we are humans, totally different living beings.
The angels do not punish, or force a way of being. Angels assist us with raising our resonance. Angels are not religious, they are love.
You don’t need to worship the angels to accept guidance for you.
All you have to do is say thank you.
Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith are the Archangels in charge of the Guardian angels. What do Guardian angels do? They guide, guard and protect us. That is their purpose and why they were created.
Archeia Faith taught me about discernment and grace. I still get mouthy, but it is less than it was. Faith taught me discernment is for humans, judgement is too harsh. When you judge yourself and other to harshly you close yourself off to your inner guidance.
Here is their invocations -
I always say this invocation when i am traveling -
I invite and invoke archangel Michael & Archeia Faith to guide guard and protect me and keep me out of harms way. Thank you!
Cord cutting, helps with clearing the energy field.
I invite and invoke archangel Michael to cut & cauterize all cords leading in and out of me, no longer serving me. I invite and invoke Archeia Faith to fill me with divine light. Thank you!
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
9 Orders of Angels -
Nine types of Angels -
Highest orders Seraphim, Cherubim, - Thrones Godly Servants
Middle Orders - Dominion, Virtues, Powers - Heavenly Rulers
Lowest orders Principalities, Archangels, Angels - Earthly Messengers
Michael - Who is like God
Guardian Angel, Gods Champion
Archeia - Faith
Color gold, yellow, orange, purple
Element Fire
Cardinal Direction South
Scents - chamomile, frankincense, rosemary, sage
Flower - Marigold
Gems & Minerals sugilite, amber, golden topaz, clear quartz Crystal
Feast Day 11/8 Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodox church, 9/29 (Michaelmas) 5/8 Tridentine Calendar, 12th of each month Coptic calendar
Sanctuaries to Michael were built by Christians in the 4th century, when he was first seen as a healing angel. Over time his role became one of a protector and the leader of the heavenly host against the forces of evil.
Michaelmas - is celebrated on 9/29 each year and marks the beginning of fall. The story of St. Michael who helps St. George conquer a dragon of darkness with his sword forged from the stars. Holy Day of obligation.
To help you connect to your spirit guides and angels check out my Automatic Writing meditation on my website. Make a practice of it to help you create a great relationship with them. Your relationship with your spirit guidance can change your life in remarkable ways!
References - Angels A Psychic's Story - Auriel Grace
Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!
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