Newgrange, Ireland

 New Grange, Boyne Valley, Ireland - Megalithic Portal 

Unesco World Heritage site.

What this site offers you - 

Deep awareness of the ancient past

Reconnection to Irish ancestry

Fertilization by the light of the Sun and Moon

Renewal Creativity 


This Megalithic Portal is older than most ancient buildings. 5000 years ago 

200,000 tons of rocks - precisely cut. No leaks in the roof! Lots of spiral or circular carvings on the stone outside and within Newgrange.

The monument is 11 meters above the ground 80 meters across with 97 curbstones on the outside. Crushed white quartz coats the outside of Newgrange giving it the luminescent quality. 

The stones were found, Wicklow Mountain, County Down Mourn Mountain, gravel from and ancient pit. The stones were transported from the Boyne river, then drop up the slope. 

The Beaker People built the stone circle around Newgrange burying animals in the circle. The Beaker people are known for their beaker pottery, drinking vessels. Their vessels are found in graves. 

Passage tombs were created for cremated bodies. 

Literal pathway to guide the spirits to the afterlife. 

When entering Newgrange you will walk about 17 meters until you reach and open area with three alcoves. 


At the time of Newgrange’s construction, the Milky Way the ,’road of the illuminated cow’, appeared as a band around the horizon. The river of ‘milk’ was mirrored by the river curving around the sinuous white quarts wall of the monument - the path of the moon - manifested on Earth. 

The Suns ray enters through the ‘light box’ for 17 minutes winter solstice. This is the time when the spirits are able to ’see’ their way to the next life. 

Every nine years, the Moon occupies the Sun’s summer and winter solstice position. Moonlight enters the light box and illuminates the chamber. At certain time during Venus’s eight year cycle the planet is visible within the chamber. 


1699 Edward Lloyd - Got there on time to create notes for reference for history. Some of the stones had been removed for other building work. Ancient people were great recyclers. 

Legend, Mythology and Lore

There is a legend the Tuatha de Danann built Newgrange and the other monuments on the river Boyne. It is the burial place of their chief, Dagda Mor, and his three sons. Other myths say ewgrange is the burial place of Light Lamhfada, (Lugh of the Long Arm)  spiritual father of great mythical hero Cuchulain who was magically conceived at Newgrange when his mother dreamed of being visited in the night by the god of light. 

Newgrange offered hospitality to many guests and provided an unlimited supply of ale. 

Oengus, brought the body of his son, Diarmaid, to put an ‘aerial life onto him so that he will talk to me everyday’.

Cygnus, the god Aonghus fell in love with Caer, a maiden who visited him while he slept. He searched for Caer and finally located, but her father explained that she came from Sidh Samhain an ‘otherworld or stellar residence’ in Connacht. Car took the form of a swan, switching at Samhain. When Aonghus found her, she was a beautiful white swan, The pair flew off to Newgrange together. Whooper swans migrate from Iceland each year to winter on the river below Newgrange.  

Theo and I did a video about the Tuatha de Danann last year for our Anunnaki series. Check out YouTube for that video. 


Here is an interesting idea, Neolithic Farmers came from Anatolia, bringing herding beasts by 3000BC they took over the island. 

They are the ones who brought megalithic structures to Ireland. The people who are buried in these places are related. DNA tests have provided this information for us. These people are from the Mediterranean to Iberia.  

The ancient people were abundant and were advanced in stone work and astronomy. Builders of Newgrange didn’t write their history. 

Are these people who migrated from the mediterranean across the Atlantic ocean children of the Annunaki? Did they bring their customs of building extraordinary monuments and sacred places to Ireland? 

These people first built at Bruin ne Boyna, perfecting their abilities and then they went crazy with Newgrange flexing their awesome building abilities. Through out Ireland there are many different ancient ‘passage tombs’ leading souls to their next life. All of the Annunaki believed their souls went on to the next place. This is why they were buried with their goods.  

We do know and older structure stood on the site of New grange that was demolished to make way to build on NewGrange. 

StoneHenge was built 700 years after NewGrange was finished. 

Snow Quartz

Is caused by bubbles within the quartz crystal making it appear opaque. 

Neolithic people believed the snow quartz represented the moon. 

Snow Quartz energizes the soul and helps the soul on its journey home. This stone helps you discover your true self. Snow quartz helps us connect to the moon. the constellations and Universal energy. 

Snow Quartz in ancient sites amplifies the Earth energies, it also stores energy until required for ceremonies and rituals. 

Snow Quartz helps to remove blockages of all kinds and gently dissolves emotional angst. It is a great stone for focus. 

Snow Quartz can assist you with connecting to Newgrange.  and to the other sacred sites built with it. 

Have  wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 

Auriel Grace

References - 

Crystals & Sacred Sites Judy Hall

Crystals - Jenny Harding

Newgrange -


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