Ancient Civilization Sumeria


Cuneiform is a logo-syllabic script that was used to write several languages of the Ancient Near East. The script was in active use from the early Bronze Age until the beginning of the Common Era. It is named for the characteristic wedge-shaped impressions which form its signs.

Created: around 3200 BC - 200 A.D.

Languages: Sumerian, Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hittite, Hurrian, Luwian, Urartian, Palaic

Parent systems: (Proto-writing): Cuneiform

Direction: left-to-right


Theo and I decided to look at ancient civilizations to find out what their creation stories are, why do many indigenous people claim their ancestors come from the stars? Why do we have these awesome mythologies from different cultures? Where do the stories come from? 

We decided to start with Sumeria. I have read, Lost Book of Enki, Zacharia Stitchen This book speaks of ancient civilizations, about how the Beings from Nibiru needed gold to help stabilize their atmosphere. These ancient beings found gold on Earth/Eden. These original beings decided they needed help mining the gold and created humans, ultimately creating and destroying several ancient civilizations. There is reference to two floods. One of them the flood in which Noah is warned to build the arc. Noah receives DNA for all living animals, seeds for plants and trees. He told is to ride out the flood and reestablish life on earth, warning from Enki. There is also reference to Moses. Enki impregnates seven human females, they give birth to seven males. Enki then puts his sons in baskets in different rivers to be raised by adopted parents. How can Enki live so long? He is an immortal prince/king from Nibiru, the protector of humankind over and over going against his father and brother Enlil. 

Yes, I read the book and found it interesting and intriguing. Theo and I have gone over the first seven translated cuneiform tablets full of prophecy and history of civilizations up to the place of the God Yahweh. 

I am a amateur history buff and I am excited to share the information I am gathering. 

I also listened to several stories about this time period, YouTube is my favorite go to for information. Here are the links to the information I share on A Spiritual Show

I do believe we, humans were created by different creator forces. Humans are so different and beautiful in their own way. I am aware there are humans who are not kind or are unbalanced. Here is the thing about planet Earth, there will always be that force of dark and light. The best you can do for yourself and those who you are connected to is be a great example. Spread the light and love, know every person on the planet is going through their own 'crazy'. Civilizations change, grow and end. If you change your focus to present time, you will enjoy your life.

Theo and I have one more show to do for Sumeria. I did find out Ptah is Enki's son! Guess where we are going to check out soon! 

Have a wonderful week, keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE! 


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