Welcome November - Gratitude Month!

It's Gratitude Month! What are you grateful for? 

Many people have asked me, how can you be happy and content? Yes, I have had many obstacles in my life. With each obstacle, I pause and reflect on what I am grateful for. It brings me to the present moment. so I can strategize through the obstacle and be on my way. 

Gratitude helps us stay in the moment, no matter how painful that moment is. It helps us open up to the blessings of the Universe, when we are open to those Universal Blessings, our resonance rises and our navigation through life is easier, kinder, more loving. 

Try writing down what you are grateful for this month, do it every day. See how it changes your perspective, it is easier to move on to better life situations, forgive, love and receive. 

After practicing this for a month, your spirit guides and angels will encourage the practice, now that you are open to it. Your life, will change and you will be grateful for it. 

You can check out the Facebook Live we did on Sunday night about Gratitude too! It will be very fun for you! Let me know what you think! 

Remember Mercury is in Retrograde this month! Be Patient, Be Kind, Be Loving! 

Keep your Heart open and Aligned with the energy of LOVE!


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