
This month we did a series on Facebook about some of the Archangels! It was very fun for me to speak about one of my favorite topics! 

We spoke about Archangel Michael and his guardians and how all of us have at least one guardian angel. 

Archangel Gabriel and his messenger angels. 

Then we spoke about the wisdom of Archangel Uriel and how he can help us with strategy and planning.  

Archangel Raphael and how he and his angels assist with healing. 

Archangel Chamuel and how he assists with bringing peace to our relationships. 

The archangel of Compassion and Mercy Azreal. 

The angels want you to know you are worthy of their love and attention. They are here to assist you with your life, to bring ease and grace to you.  Remember to ask for assistance and be open to how that assistance come to you! 

Enjoy the videos! Let me know what you think!

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!


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