#3 - Creativity & Being Noticed

This year has been a busy year for us all! We have been clearing and raising our resonance through realization we are having. One of the most awesome thing I have seen is everyone is connecting the dots more and following through with their intentions and manifestations. It has absolutely been a magnificent year. Now we are going into an awesome year with wonderful energy waves drawing us to our hearts desires. 

So let's surf the energy wave building in January to keep us propelling forward through March. This will be a great wave to ride through as it will help you connect with why you are doing and being. What does your destiny or soul's journey look like? Is it changing or expanding? This is the window of opportunity with this energy wave to clear out the energy not serving you to make room for what does. Take the time in January to really look around and make sure to are set to ride this energy wave with clarity and purpose. 

2019 is a three year! I am so excited about it being a 3 year! Remember your numerology? If you don't we will be going over the numbers on A Gang of Girls Radio Facebook Live event on 1/6/19 for the Resolution show. 

Number 3 represents Creativity and Being Noticed! Many of you have careers where this energy will rock your worlds. Rise with the energy, put your high heels, lipstick, favorite tie and shine your shoes and get busy with your strategies to create the best life you so want and desire. It is so exciting to move into this energy and ride it through. 

Remember to maintain your energy, so you don't run low. You want to make sure you are at your peak. So self care is going to be really important while you are rocking your world. 

Remember to continue to practice trusting you, your higher self, spirit guidance and angels to keep you on your chosen path. If you need help try the Automatic Writing Meditation to help with your confidence while receiving messages and following through. 

Let's keep the resonance up and keep the joy flowing through our lives!

Happy New Year!

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